Sweet Shoppe Community

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Libby Pritchett 08-05-2014 08:03 PM

So glad to have you joining us in the shadowbox challenges! I hope you'll stick around afterward, too! :)

ashaw 08-05-2014 10:29 PM

A big welcome to all the new gals!

LLPooh1 08-06-2014 03:27 PM

I'm rather new here, and joined a couple of challenges today. So really, my first posts to the forum. I'm moderated, so just letting you know that I'm a real person. :) thanks! (PS - I'm a CT member on Amber Shaw's team if you need any verification)

Libby Pritchett 08-06-2014 03:36 PM

Hi Lynette!! Glad to have you here joining us! I hope you'll be hanging around more now that Amber is here, too! Welcome welcome!

LLPooh1 08-06-2014 04:26 PM

Thanks, Libby! I do plan to dig in and stay awhile! :)

Quick question, do I need to repost what I put in on the threads for challenges, or will they show up once you see them? thanks!

Libby Pritchett 08-06-2014 04:27 PM

Hmmmm, I thought I'd already approved all the ones that were queued up, so they should be showing up. If you see any that aren't showing though, let me know. I'll be glad to check them out!

LLPooh1 08-06-2014 09:41 PM

Thanks, Libby. One is through, but the one I did for Think Outside The Box August th didn't. I'll wait until tomorrow, and if it doesn't come through, I can post again. :)

Libby Pritchett 08-06-2014 09:45 PM

Oh, I didn't see that one! Off to check now. :)

Libby Pritchett 08-06-2014 09:46 PM

Ok, got it! Sorry about that! Things are a little crazy with the shadowbox contest, so I just let that one slip by me unnoticed. :)

LLPooh1 08-07-2014 12:17 PM

No problem, Libby! I can't imagine how busy you are!! thanks again, for the help. Now I'm off to do another challenge! :)

Deannaj 08-10-2014 12:00 AM

I'm not actually "new" here, but kind of new to actually posting here! I'm on a couple of teams here--so I think I'll be showing up now and then--just wanted to say HI to everybody!! :)

Libby Pritchett 08-10-2014 12:53 AM

Hi Deanna!! Don't be a stranger! :)

KingsQueen82 08-10-2014 01:35 AM

Just thought I'd introduce myself too! I've been around a bit but nothing like lately with all these awesome challenges you guys have running right now. I'm doing my very best to earn that 50% off coupon! ;) Thanks for such a fun incentive!

Libby Pritchett 08-10-2014 01:39 AM

Hi there! I've seen you posting in the shadowbox challenges, so I'm glad you've decided to say hi, too! :) Welcome welcome!

Lenushenka 08-10-2014 01:51 PM

Hi everyone! My name is Lenka and I am on two teams here, so I guess I will be around a little :)

Libby Pritchett 08-10-2014 02:12 PM

Hi Lenka! Nice to meet you! :)

ledamperry 08-12-2014 03:22 PM

I'm not new to SSD just to participating in the forums, but decided to jump in with the Summer Shadowbox - though a bit late! Anyway, thanks for the fun challenges and scrappin' motivation!


Libby Pritchett 08-12-2014 03:30 PM

Hi Leda! So glad you decided to jump in and join us!

bcgal00 08-14-2014 02:24 PM

Hi everyone. I'm a paper scrapper who converted to digi a few years ago but it took awhile for me to embrace it fully but now I can't imagine ever paper scrapping again LOL. It's nice to see a lot of familiar faces from other forums. I have recently fallen in love with SBD (Ru) and started buying her kits which I'm seriously crazy about. They fit my style so well! I'm looking forward to checking out the other designers and getting to know you all.

Libby Pritchett 08-14-2014 02:32 PM

Hi! So glad you decided to jump in and join us! I've changed your permissions, so feel free to make yourself at home! You may notice some weird stuff til you reach 10 posts (like it may say that your posts need to be approved). That will go away automatically though (we have some spam filters in place). The quickest way to get those 10 posts is to simply leave some praise in the gallery.

Again, welcome! :)

bcgal00 08-14-2014 05:35 PM

Thx for the explanation Libby. I'm off to check the site and galleries now!

Farrahjoblin 08-14-2014 06:13 PM

Hi there! I'm Farrah! great to be here =)

Libby Pritchett 08-14-2014 06:26 PM

Welcome Farrah! I got you fixed up, too! Feel free to make yourself at home here! :)

amber-c 08-20-2014 02:49 PM

Hi there! I'm Amber! I've been scrapbooking for several years now- I LOVE it! I am currently searching for a new scrapbooking "home"! Glad to finally find a place! :0)

Libby Pritchett 08-20-2014 03:10 PM

Hi Amber! We're so glad to have you here! I've changed your forum permissions, so you're all set to jump in and join us! You may still notice some weird stuff til you reach 10 posts (like it might tell you that your posts need to be moderated if you are linking up an image). That'll go away automatically after 10 posts though, and the easiest way to get those posts is to just leave some comments in the gallery. :)

Anyway, super glad you found us, and I hope you love it as much as we do!

amber-c 08-20-2014 04:17 PM

Just a quick question... :0) I'm having trouble finding where I comment on layouts in the gallery. Nothing's showing up for that.... What do I need to do? :0)

Libby Pritchett 08-20-2014 04:39 PM

Oops! That would be my fault. I didn't save your settings correctly (that's a result of trying to do too many things at a time with a 2 year old who declared that she needs to go potty NOW!!!!). LOL So sorry about that!

You wanna try it again?

amber-c 08-20-2014 05:18 PM

LOL! That's what we're doing these days with my 2 yr old! Understand it completely! Thanks for your help! :0)

Becca236 08-23-2014 09:20 AM

Hello- I am semi-new here :) I followed Megan Turnidge here- so I guess its time to participate :)

zakirahzakaria 08-23-2014 10:45 AM

Awww welcome Becca! We're so glad that you decided to participate. Make yourself right at home :wub:


Originally Posted by Becca236 (Post 1062697642)
Hello- I am semi-new here :) I followed Megan Turnidge here- so I guess its time to participate :)

Libby Pritchett 08-23-2014 12:39 PM

Hi Becca! So glad you've joined us!! :)

amandavz 09-03-2014 08:40 AM

I'm not really new but I'm getting back into digital scrapbooking after a little break. I know one of the designers here and decided this would be my new "home". I realized I'm not happy if I'm not scrapbooking! Is there a way to delete my old pages in my gallery so I can start fresh?

Libby Pritchett 09-03-2014 09:05 AM

Hi Amanda! Welcome! I've changed your settings, so you should be able to jump in and make yourself at home. You may still notice some weird stuff until you reach 10 posts. We have some spam filters in place, but that will go away on its own. The easiest way to get 10 posts is to leave some comments in the gallery. :)

As far as deleting your gallery images, I believe that when you are looking at a layout in the gallery, if you look up in the upper right corner, there are "photo options." One of those choices should be to edit your photo (I'm not 100% sure of the wording because mine shows admin options which would be different than yours). When you edit, near the bottom of the edit screen, there is an option to delete the photo.

If you have trouble with it, I'd be happy to go in and delete them for you. I just didn't want to delete one that you really wanted to keep.

So glad to have you here with us!

amandavz 09-03-2014 09:27 AM

Thank you! I will leave some gallery love now! :)

sunnycowgirl 09-06-2014 12:19 PM

I'm Kris and I'm new here.

Libby Pritchett 09-06-2014 01:02 PM

Hi Kris! So glad you decided to jump in and join us! I've changed your permissions, so feel free to make yourself at home! You may notice some weird stuff til you reach 10 posts (like it may say that your posts need to be approved). That will go away automatically though (we have some spam filters in place). The quickest way to get those 10 posts is to simply leave some praise in the gallery. :)

ashaw 09-06-2014 01:20 PM

Hi Kris! Welcome! !

sunnycowgirl 09-06-2014 02:17 PM

Oh thanks....I'm new to this digital scrapbooking, so go very easy on me. I have quite the stash, doing the digital project life right now, easier for me to keep up................

renatasluis 09-07-2014 01:26 PM

hi there
hi, i'm new to the forum( not as a shopper ),
i was reading here sometimes, and i know some members from a dutch scrapforum who are members here.
so i thought it was time to become a member myself and do some challenges now and then ;)

Libby Pritchett 09-07-2014 03:05 PM

Hi there! So glad you're here with us! Hope you'll jump in and make yourself at home!

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