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KristinCB 03-08-2013 05:53 PM

It has been a REALLY long time
Since I asked a random question!

soo.. for a VERY VERY important topic.

How do you like your grilled cheese (if you like it) And do you dip it in ketchup? Are you totally OCD and need to cut it a certain way? Certain bread and certain cheese etc?

Nettio 03-08-2013 05:58 PM

Why in the world would you eat it with ketchup? Is that a thing? :blink:

I like cheddar cheese on sourdough bread cut diagonally...but since I no longer eat cheese I now just admire it from afar. It is delicious though. :D

KateD 03-08-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nettio (Post 1099502)
Why in the world would you eat it with ketchup? Is that a thing? :blink:

^^^ This.

My favorite right now is pepperjack on wheat. With carrot ginger soup :)

KristinCB 03-08-2013 06:02 PM

It is such a common thing to have grilled cheese and ketchup.. I don't think its a weird canadian thing? haha

Keely~B 03-08-2013 06:03 PM

Ketchup!??? eewwww ick I don't eat white bread unless it's sourdough. I like a good grilled cheese every now and again. Green chiles and pepper jack. Brie and Black Forest ham on rye. DD does hers in the toaster oven and I'm like NO. It has to be in a pan.

KateD 03-08-2013 06:06 PM

I eat mine with tomato soup sometimes - I think that's pretty common. But, catsup? That sounds weird to me. It probably shouldn't, they're both tomato-based. But it does. Go figure.

Libby Pritchett 03-08-2013 06:13 PM

LOL KCB, I think it's def a weird Canadian thing. ;) I've never heard of that!

My fave grilled cheese would honestly be Sonic's grilled cheese. But I do appreciate a good sourdough and cheddar.

Jenn Barrette 03-08-2013 06:13 PM

We do grilled cheese with tomato soup usually :) I like to make a fancy grilled cheese with a little cream cheese, cheddar, and jalapenos. Or I make a caprese grilled cheese, mozza, tomatoes, and basil/pesto.

Libby Pritchett 03-08-2013 06:18 PM

Oh I forgot about my actual favorite (I'm blocking it from my memory while I'm on this diet. LOL) I looooooooooooooooooooooooooove the tomato & mozzarella panini from Panera. Holy hannah. Now I want it.

lorigaud 03-08-2013 06:29 PM

Um, grilled cheese with ketchup sounds gross to me. It's like when people eat their eggs with ketchup... can't do that either. I'm boring... my usual is good ole' American cheese on whole wheat. Definitely cooked in a pan. Sometimes with tomatoes. (Which, yeah... are in ketchup.) Hahaha!

KristinCB 03-08-2013 06:30 PM

you guys are all crazy! you should try it!

Jenn Barrette 03-08-2013 06:31 PM

Oh! and cheddar, salsa and avocado!

abm234 03-08-2013 06:36 PM

Most of my family eats their grilled cheese with ketchup! I prefer salsa!

nun69 03-08-2013 06:41 PM

ours is plain old white cheese with American sliced....it is a huge hit with EVERYONE at my house...but my son refuses to eat it without his tomato soup!!!

SmallMoments 03-08-2013 06:46 PM

Ewwwww ketchup!?!? My bestie's brother puts ketchup on his mac & cheese. Ewwwww to that too!

Now, to the important question. I'm not picky about my grilled cheese. Like at all. I love cheese. I love bread. I love butter. Sadly I haven't had one for a very long time since it doesn't go well on my "healthy eating" promise to myself.

mariewilcox 03-08-2013 07:08 PM

I don't eat them much anymore but if I were to splurge and have one it would be on a nice whole wheat bread with a slice of tomato - American cheese is fine or Muenster. It has to be grilled quite dark (just short of burned) and cut once diagonally.

I grew up with a lot of people who dipped it in ketchup, which I always thought was pretty gross. DH dipped in tomato soup. But I can't say anything because I grew up and still dip mine in homemade applesauce (has to be homemade!) :D

KristinCB 03-08-2013 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by abm234 (Post 1099537)
Most of my family eats their grilled cheese with ketchup!


KristinCB 03-08-2013 08:20 PM

I've never heard of applesauce with grilled cheese! I might have to try that :)

kim21673 03-08-2013 08:40 PM

Good ole american cheese and two slices of bread...buttered on the outside and cooked until they are toasted perfectly.....cut diagonally please.

mariewilcox 03-08-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by KristinCB (Post 1099576)
I've never heard of applesauce with grilled cheese! I might have to try that :)

I'm sure you haven't! LOL - my sister and I started doing it when we were little. I have no idea what prompted us to try it except that my mom always had homemade applesauce in the fridge.

isaacsmom 03-08-2013 08:48 PM

Kristin...you are not crazy! Ketchup is a must with grilled cheese!!! And I am in Nebraska -- so it's not a Canadian thing. lol. But...I don't eat them now 'cause I am on a no dairy diet (I'm nursing) and soy cheese just isn't happening! It is expensive AND gross! So...for now I just admire the grilled cheese from afar. But I had to chime in because I couldn't believe no one else eats their grilled cheese like we do!!! ;)

SeattleSheri 03-08-2013 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by KristinCB (Post 1099509)
It is such a common thing to have grilled cheese and ketchup.. I don't think its a weird canadian thing? haha

Add me to the list that has never heard of grilled cheese with ketchup. Admittedly, I'm sure it's not much different than dipping it in tomato soup, which is pretty common (at least in my area).

I like my grilled cheese with cheddar. I'm not opposed to using other cheeses, but I don't like american cheese, so that would be the exception. I typically cut them diagonally and use sourdough, but I will eat them with other breads too and I'm not picky about how they are cut (it's just nice to dip the corner in the soup when it's cut diagonally :p)

emmasmommy 03-08-2013 09:47 PM

i love grilled cheese and tomato on sourdough...with a side of tomato soup ;)

Dalis 03-08-2013 09:52 PM

I like mine in tomato basil bread or sourdough bread with tomato soup ALWAYS!

LJSDesigns 03-08-2013 09:53 PM

We do our on wheat bread with yellow american and mozzarella cheeses and bacon with a side of tomato soup. Yummy comfort food! :)

clearskies 03-08-2013 09:55 PM

I guess I'm the oddball...

I don't like grilled cheese. At all. Yuck.

lovely1m 03-08-2013 10:08 PM

OK, I have to ask, DIP IT IN KETCHUP?!?! That's gotta be a Canadian thing, right? lol (ETA, guess I am not the only one to wonder about that.)

I am very picky on how I eat it. I like it on wheat with a tomato in it. Any cheese is ok though.

lovely1m 03-08-2013 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jenn Barrette (Post 1099517)
We do grilled cheese with tomato soup usually :) I like to make a fancy grilled cheese with a little cream cheese, cheddar, and jalapenos. Or I make a caprese grilled cheese, mozza, tomatoes, and basil/pesto.

Oh, I want Jenn it make me grilled cheese. Those sound awesome, now I want them. :thumbup:

MamaBee 03-08-2013 10:09 PM

My son would be all over the ketchup with his sandwich, that kid would put ketchup or ranch dressing on any and everything!!

good ol' kraft american on whole wheat... I don't do white bread. ;) In college, I always got it with tomato and on sourdough... and if doing with soup, tomato soup is a must - but then I want to eat like 2 or 3 sandwiches just because i can't stand straight tomato soup. hahaha

coopert 03-08-2013 10:20 PM

My boys both love to dip their grilled cheese in ketchup. I think it's a California kids thing, because most kids I know, do it. Yuck, if you ask me. I love cheddar on squaw bread with lots of butter on the bread.

KristinCB 03-08-2013 10:29 PM

All you people who like it with tomato soup should try it with ketchup! :) I don't always have it with ketchup but usually.. it really is good!! :)

Libby Pritchett 03-08-2013 10:43 PM

*sigh* I sorta hate this thread, KCB. LOL I keep coming back to it.

(adding grilled cheese sandwich to my list of post-contest indulgences)

Sherri Tierney 03-08-2013 10:44 PM

My husband prefers white American cheese from the deli (sliced from the big blocks, it is harder than the pre-packaged slices) on whole wheat with tomato. My kids prefer sliced yellow American cheese (Kraft or Bordens) on whole wheat. I really like mine on Texas Toast but don't do that often because we don't eat white bread. My kids and DH like theirs with macaroni and cheese (Kraft). If you ask me, that's too much cheese at once. I prefer mine with chicken noodle soup. :)

It's not a grilled cheese exactly, but I am sooooo craving a Reuben sandwich and can't wait until St. Patty's day to make it. :) It's almost grilled cheese. :)

Robin Carlton 03-08-2013 10:49 PM

Sourdough bread, just a little bit of butter in the pan so the bread doesnt get soggy or too greasy, kraft singles with Ketchup and I'm originally a cali-girl, so it's not a canadian thing.

I also love sourdough, swiss and avocado! No ketchup on that one tho.

MandaT 03-08-2013 11:04 PM

Wheat bread, American cheese (it gets so melty & gooey!!, toasted in a pan with a side of Cambell's Creamy Tomato Soup (has to be made with milk or it's not right)

Occasionally black forest ham & swiss or cheddar, sourdough bread.

kscwgirl 03-08-2013 11:17 PM

wheat bread and any cheese.. i haven't met a cheese i don't like. :)

Melissa Bennett 03-08-2013 11:28 PM

White bread, amercian cheese and gonna really be the oddball out here, but this is how my mom made them and I LOVE it, mayo on top of the cooked sandwich. YUM!

KristinCB 03-08-2013 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Robin Carlton (Post 1099635)
Sourdough bread, just a little bit of butter in the pan so the bread doesnt get soggy or too greasy, kraft singles with Ketchup and I'm originally a cali-girl, so it's not a canadian thing.

well if the BOSS Lady does it you know it has to be good!!

k23m 03-08-2013 11:55 PM

If it is a weird Canadian thing, then I am a weird Canadian! LOL I don't eat ketchup with much, but I DO use it for grilled cheese!
Multigrain bread, old cheddar, and some onions! Mmmm....

misfitinmn 03-08-2013 11:58 PM

I like it with cheddar or american cheese (sometimes ham too, if I'm feeling fancy!!) and I will dip it in ketchup, tomato soup, OR (my personal fave) bbq sauce!! :) Oddball here!

glumirk 03-09-2013 12:06 AM

Extra sharp white cheddar on some kind of oaty bread is all I need. Oh, and real butter. DH will throw on mayo or margarine and it's not as good. We've never heard of ketchup, and DH grew up in a saucy family who dips everything. He did introduce me to dipping bread in soup, so now I actually like soup.

Oh, and I'm not a huge milk drinker, but I love it with grilled cheese!

Beebo 03-09-2013 12:06 AM

It depends on what kind of soup we have with it. Cheddar on white or wheat with chili. American on wheat or white with clam chowder or tomatoe soup. I will tear mine in pieces and float them on top of the chowder, chili or soup.

Milmomma 03-09-2013 12:41 AM

I haven't had one in over 6 years. I was making them one night, and threw up in the pan. That's when I knew I was pregnant with my daughter. I haven't had one since then. My kids like them plain cut into triangles.

sarahbhb 03-09-2013 02:58 AM

ok when you mentioned ketchup I really did think it was a weird canadian thing (akin to ketchup with kraft dinner sort of thing...blech). I married a weird canadian though...he eats his with ketchup and oregano a lot. I prefer my grilled cheese with cheddar on wheat bread. DD gets upset if we're having grilled cheese and there isn't a side of tomato soup, but I will take grilled cheese just about anyway you serve it to me...yum!

AmberK 03-09-2013 04:12 PM

This except sub cheddar cheese :)


Originally Posted by kim21673 (Post 1099590)
Good ole american cheese and two slices of bread...buttered on the outside and cooked until they are toasted perfectly.....cut diagonally please.

MommaTrish 03-09-2013 04:36 PM

wheat bread (white bread is just yucky to me) with American and onion slices on it. Sometimes I add ham, and I always have chicken and stars with it.

Lyd 03-09-2013 05:01 PM

I'm surprised how many of you like it with American cheese. I've never really considered American to be actual cheese. It's a processed cheese product, IMHO (like Velveeta). Lol. But, I do love a grilled cheese sandwich. We usually just do plain cheddar on wheat bread with tomato soup. I've never heard of dipping it in ketchup, but since we do the tomato soup thing, I can't see how ketchup would be much different. I might have to give that one a try. :)

hollydolly70 03-09-2013 07:01 PM

Welllllll - since I am CANADIAN - it's KETCHUP all the WAY on any grilled cheese!!


Traci Reed 03-09-2013 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by coopert (Post 1099627)
My boys both love to dip their grilled cheese in ketchup. I think it's a California kids thing, because most kids I know, do it. Yuck, if you ask me. I love cheddar on squaw bread with lots of butter on the bread.

Nope. Born and raised here and that's nasty. My kids both said yuck too...

lorigaud 03-09-2013 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Milmomma (Post 1099678)
I haven't had one in over 6 years. I was making them one night, and threw up in the pan. That's when I knew I was pregnant with my daughter. I haven't had one since then. My kids like them plain cut into triangles.

Ewwww... yup, that would do it for me, too. No more grilled cheese after that! :blink:

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