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adi&co. 07-24-2018 11:33 PM

Back to school
So tell me, what grade is your kid (are your kids) in and what time does school start?

Last year, my kids’ school started at 830. I don’t sleep well at night, so getting up at 7 every day almost killed me (not literally, but it sure felt like it!) Their new school starts at 730 and I can already feel myself dying :thumbdown: I miss homeschooling when I could wake up whenever I wanted, lol!

~Cindy~ 07-24-2018 11:57 PM

My oldest son is going into the fourth grade. We get up at 6:45 and he gets on the bus around 7:20-7:25. School starts at 8:30 and they get out at 3:55.

cherrygutz 07-25-2018 12:47 AM

My daughter will be 3rd grade this August and according to the school website, classes starts at 8. I will still be waking up at 6:30 because my husband goes to work at 8. Last year schools starts at 9 and the bus comes at around 8:40-8:45, I still wake up at 6:30. I'm gonna miss that 9am class.

Gemma 07-25-2018 02:22 AM

It's different over here, it goes year 1, year 2 etc but in terms of grades mine would be kindergarten (starts at 9am until 3.30pm) 7th Grade (starts 8.30am until 2.30pm) and 11th Grade (9am until 2pm 3 days a week) :)

Nixenkind 07-25-2018 03:33 AM

My kids start 4th grade, 6th grade, 8th grade and 10th grade. I'm getting up at 5.45, wake the kids at 6.15, the three older ones all visit the same school and leave home at 7.05, school starts at 8.10.
The youngest one also starts at 8.10 and leaves home at 7.15.

g8rbeckie 07-25-2018 03:42 AM

ugh. mornings!! not a fan.

Elementary school here in Austin area starts at 7:40am. Some kids get on the bus before 7 am :( Luckily our school was close so we left the house at 7:20 to get them there on time.

This year - YAY - both my kids are finally in middle school! (6th and 8th grades). They start at 8:30 so we won't need to leave the house until 8am to get them to school on time. Or they can get ready in time to catch the bus which picks them up at 7:40.

High school will be even better - starts at 9:30! that's my kind of schedule :)

carrie1977 07-25-2018 08:18 AM

My kids are 5th grade and 9th grade.
The 5th grader goes from 8:20am to 3:15pm. We live right around the corner so he walks to school with neighbors.
My 7th grader goes from 7:40am to 2:45pm. I drop her off at 7:20ish.
I work full-time outside of the home so I have to get up early anyway. I'm not a sleeper inner so I'm usually up at 5:00am on school days. I like to have a little time to myself for coffee and such before I wake them up.
They are still on summer break. School starts on August 20th.

JennNtheBoys 07-25-2018 08:22 AM

I have 2 in High School (one going into Grade 8 and the other going into Grade 11), and 1 in his last year of Elementary (Grade 6). Elementary school starts at 8:20... I have to get up shortly after 6 to get him up and ready for school (he catches the bus at 7:20), the older boys start at 9:20, I struggle from the time the little one gets on his bus until about 8:20 to get them up (their bus shows up at 8:30). All I want to do from the time I wake up is go back to bed for an hour BUT after close to 3 hours of dealing with the boys I'm too awake by the time everyone is gone to get my extra z's lol

kristalund 07-25-2018 09:04 AM

DD1 is 6th/Middle Schooler- idk?? This is new for us...guess I need to find this out before school starts on 8/20
DD2 is 3rd- 8:30-2:40
DS is 1st- 8:30-2:40

All 3 of my Kiddos have before and after school care on campus.

LeeAndra 07-25-2018 09:25 AM

My daughter will be in 4th grade, and my son will be in 3 day preschool. Both of their schools start at 8:30 so I will be dropping her off earlier, then him at 8:30, and then off to my work by 9. Their schools end at the same time, too, but they will both be in after-school care until I can come pick them up. Their schools are only a few minutes apart from each other so it shouldn't be too bad.

My daughter is always up by 6:30 and my son fluctuates between 6:30 and 7. I, however, don't get up until 7:20 or so. :p

farrijc 07-25-2018 09:47 AM

My oldest is starting high school and it stinks - they start at either 7:05 or 7:15. I think the bus comes at 6:25 ������ The only good news is I don’t have to get up with him! My other two kids are going into 5th and 7th which start at 8:15 and 9:15. I roll out of bed at 6:40... just enough time to fix my daughters hair and drop her off still in my pjs.

lovely1m 07-25-2018 09:56 AM

Mine starts middle school this year (what?!?!?). They start at 8:25 except Wednesdays they start at 9:25. He started at 8 in elementary school, but the bus picked him up at 7:25. I wake up at 6 for work though. He gets done at 3:25, but it was 2:42 in elementary.

kendallt 07-25-2018 10:01 AM

My daughter will be starting her senior :crying: year on August 20. School starts at 8:20 am. Of course, she drives herself to school, so it's up to her to make sure she gets there on time. Certainly makes life easier for me! I remember those years of 7:30 am start times, and I all can say is hang in there, mamas!

monia13 07-25-2018 10:01 AM

I have a 8th grader this year. Middle school starts at 8:35 and ends at 3:25. She will need leave the house to around 8:07 to catch the bus at 8:12.

Kjersti 07-25-2018 10:44 AM

Faith is a freshman and she'll have early morning seminary before school so she'll leave the house around 6:20. That's when I leave for work so it works out perfectly.

Elyse will be a freshman in college. OMG! We were talking about what time her first class should be so she has enough time to wake up, eat breakfast, and make it to class! Probably noon :)

mrsashbaugh 07-25-2018 12:05 PM

My kiddos started school yesterday! Crazy I know...we go on a modified year round school schedule though. Our temperatures are high right now too (117 yesterday!), so the kids had recess inside the class.

My son started 4th grade and my daughter started 1st grade. I take them to school everyday and we leave the house around 7:45 to get there by 8am.

Neverland Scraps 07-25-2018 02:51 PM

16-year old (senior at high school) has to be at the college 8am on Mondays and Wednesday.

14-year old (9th grade) has to be at her friend's house (on post) by 7am to catch the bus to the high school at 7:10. Her school starts 8am. If she misses said bus, I have to drive her the 30-minutes to her school and hope I'm back before work starts!

5-year old (kindergarten) starts school at 7:20. Since I drive him, I need to give enough time to get on post, drop middle off at her friends house and get in the parent drop-off line, unbuckle him out of his 5-point carseat (because he doesn't know how to do that yet), and get him in to the school before the bell rings at 7:20.

And then I get to rush home, get myself ready to start work at 8am.

Rush, rush, rush---busy morning driving the kids to their schools/bus stop.

I too miss my homeschooling days, although with a job, I couldn't continue homeschooling the kiddos and working. Here's to never getting any sleep!! :wub:

jaye 07-25-2018 03:36 PM

My one and only is in college 3 hours from home so he has to get himself up.

I work in a high school and start at 7:30, classes begin at 8:20. I am up around 5 am as I take my dog for a walk every morning, then make my lunch and like to relax with a cup of coffee before I go to work.

We go back to school the day after Labour Day

adi&co. 07-25-2018 06:22 PM

ugh mornings! Let's boycot school (i joke, i joke, but seriously, i need sleep, lol)

KingsQueen82 07-25-2018 11:59 PM

Mine don't start until 8:50! I think that's so late especially considering our previous school started at 7:25. I'm so NOT a morning person though so I'll gratefully take every extra minute I can get!

navaja77 07-26-2018 04:27 PM

My oldest will be in 8th grade and starts school at 8am. He is at a different school this year. Last year, he caught the bus at 710 to be at school before it starts at 810. I will likely drive him to his new school this year and likely leave the house at 745 to get there on time. School starts on 8/6 for him.

My DD will be in 3rd grade and starts school at 825. But since I have to drive her brother to school, she will likely walk to school (we live 1/2 block away) at 745 and go play/eat breakfast. School stars on 8/2 for her.

AmieN1 07-26-2018 05:08 PM

Thankfully mine are both still in elementary- will be 2nd & 5th grades. Our start time is 9 am. Bus comes at 8:10 so kids wake me up at 7:30- they are super early risers & thankfully are now independent enough that I don't have to get up with them at 6am! Next year, it will be interesting have one at elementary & one in middle school with totally different schedules!

adi&co. 07-26-2018 11:33 PM

Why does my kids’ elementary school start so early??? Seems like everyone else is like 8 or after and ours is 730. Ugh! I might literally die of sleep deprivation this year. I sleep so badly and usually only get a good chunk of sleep between 5/6 am and 8/9 am. Having to wake up at the beginning of that might kill me. I woke up at 7 am last year and felt like death all year. :( wish me luck ladies

Natalie C 07-27-2018 12:08 AM

My son is a freshman (9th) this year and HS goes from 8:05-2:15. We live just a half mile from the school so I'll drop him off in the mornings and he'll probably walk home most of the time when school is done.

My daughter is going into 6th grade middle school and the bus will come to pick her up at 7:40 for a 8:10 school start time. I think middle school gets out at 2:10, sometime around then.

First day of school is August 13th and I'm not ready! I'm also totally not a morning person, but luckily the school district moved start times for the schools up an hour last year so that helps a lot. I used to have to drop my son off to the bus for middle school at 6:35. Ugh....that sucked!!

ChristineF 07-27-2018 01:10 AM

We usually get up at 5.45 to get everyone ready. I start work at 7.15, and kindergarden opens at 7, so we have to be early. Come August 16th my oldest starts school and will be going to an activity club before school which opens at 7.30, then open after school til 4.30. It's going to be a chaos, my husband is currently in university (again) and next fall I'm going back to school too.

KingsQueen82 07-27-2018 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by adi&co. (Post 1062926346)
Why does my kids’ elementary school start so early??? Seems like everyone else is like 8 or after and ours is 730. Ugh! I might literally die of sleep deprivation this year. I sleep so badly and usually only get a good chunk of sleep between 5/6 am and 8/9 am. Having to wake up at the beginning of that might kill me. I woke up at 7 am last year and felt like death all year. :( wish me luck ladies

When we lived in CO all the schools in our district shared the same buses so they had to arrange the start times to coordinate that. I guess they figured the older ones need to sleep in more than the littles (and studies show they do!) Still I felt it was super crappy b/c so many of the soldiers didn't get home until 6:30/7 or later and by that time we're already putting our kiddos in bed.

Anyways, I'll send you all the extra energy I can muster! Good luck with finding a sleep schedule/morning routine that works better for you!!

rach3975 07-27-2018 10:14 PM

I'm so not a morning person! Back when all my kids were in elementary, I had to get up at 7 so we'd be ready to leave the house at 8:15. I didn't love it, but it was fine. I miss that schedule now! When my oldest started middle school 2 years ago, I had to wake up at 6:10 so he'd be ready to leave by 6:50. I was only waking up 50 minutes earlier, but it affected me all year--I'm so much more tired getting up then instead of at 7.

This year my older 2 are in 7th (1st year of middle school) and 9th. We don't have the bus schedule yet, but if it's as early as Jason had to leave the last few years I'll be driving them. Jason can wake up at 6:20 and leave the house at 6:50, but Ben would have to be woken by 5:30 and supervised in order to leave the house at 6:50. I just can't do it! Instead I'll be driving them. I think we'll need to wake up at 6 so that we'll be ready to leave at 7:20. Lauren is still in elementary school (4th), so I'll drop her off at 8:15 and then go to work.

aussiegirl 07-30-2018 12:44 PM

This year my girls will be in 11th Grade, 10th Grade, 9th Grade and 6th grade.

All level schools start at different times (since it's a fairly large school district and they have to share buses). My High Schooler's get up at 5:30am, and have to be at the busstop by 6:35am. The Upper Elementary School girlie was at the busstop by 7:55am last year. I don't know if any of this will change yet or not! School here starts Aug 29th this year, but they are kinda slow in getting information to us regarding school!

craftytam 07-30-2018 05:35 PM

My oldest son is in junior college. He starts school on Aug. 20th. I think he scheduled his first class for 10am.

My youngest is a senior this year (YIKES!!!). School starts at 7:45am (too early!) and I will still drive him because he doesn't want to get his drivers license :huh:

tanyiadeskins 08-04-2018 12:17 PM

My last one starts senior year of high school this year! Woooooohooooooo!!!! I am happy dancing over one more year of school runs and car lines lol. They start here at 9 so we get up at 8 and leave at 8:40 lol. Then they get out at 4 pm here.

one more year .... one more year .... I got this! :w00t:

mariewilcox 08-04-2018 01:47 PM

My last child (Cheyanne) is starting college this year! :blink: :crying:
She moves into her dorm September 1.

My granddaughter will be in 4th grade and grandson in Kindergarten. They both start at 8:05 and get out at 2:55. Their first day is August 29.

bexy 08-04-2018 02:43 PM

My youngest is going into 2nd - leaves for school at 7:25
Second is going into 5th - bus pick up at 8:10
Oldest is going into 7th - same bus time pick up
All three are at different schools this year. I still get up at 6:30 though to get lunches ready and help wake up the two older ones who like their sleep ;)

LJSDesigns 08-05-2018 12:24 PM

My son is 27 and he starts at 10 am Tuesday and Thursday; he's a teacher at a college. As to getting him up on time, that is up to his wife now. LOL

Sheana 08-05-2018 06:33 PM

My oldest is going into 11th grade and my youngest into 9th. School starts at 7:45.

Sasha 08-06-2018 12:01 PM

I have 2 that graduated 2014 & 2015, 1 going into 6th grade on wed and a 3.5 yr old that will start pre-k next year....

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