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-   -   Do you keep PSD files of your LOs?? (https://www.sweetshoppecommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=91025)

kristalund 07-05-2019 12:09 PM

Do you keep PSD files of your LOs??
I am thinking about deleting them. I can't remember a time I went back to use/edit a PSD file of one of my LOs.

AmieN1 07-05-2019 01:29 PM

Nope. Never have & never will. I figure if I've made a mistake or typo- it makes it more real! Lol I never redid paper pages when I made a typo so why do it on my digital ones?

LeeAndra 07-05-2019 02:00 PM

I keep them for a few days until I upload the LO to the SSD gallery but not long-term.

aussiegirl 07-05-2019 02:49 PM

Nope! Only if I am scrapping it to turn into a QP for myself (I did scrap for hire this past spring). Once it's turned into a QP, I delete the working file.

ChristineF 07-05-2019 03:02 PM

I keep mine for a little while, then whenever I backup my MacBook I delete the old files and just keep the jpg going into my albums.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

MamaBee 07-05-2019 03:05 PM

I have - but thinking I should delete them. In the 10+years of digi scrapping, I think I can count one hand the times I went back to say grab a photo because I couldn't find the original... or fixed spelling. Man, am I a bad speller/proofreader... I can read the stuff ten times and will skip over the stuff that is wrong. That is just me and the future generations will be like, "wow... how did she ever make it through college when they didn't have spell checker on their computers - you know, in the olden days..." haha

kristalund 07-05-2019 03:10 PM

Ok...Here goes nothing...delete!delete!delete!

amy_hart 07-05-2019 07:26 PM

No. Even if I have mistakes, I feel like it just makes my layout a bit more real because I misspell things all the time.

kristalund 07-05-2019 07:26 PM

I just deleted TONS!

cherrygutz 07-05-2019 09:09 PM

I save my LOs in tif files so it's smaller, and yes, I save them. I'm willing to buy external hard drives so I could save them all. But maybe someday I will delete them, I don't know yet.

LynnZant 07-05-2019 09:36 PM

Yes, I move them to a flash drive after a while. I usually catch a few typos before moving them.

Kiana 07-05-2019 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by AmieN1 (Post 1062964718)
Nope. Never have & never will. I figure if I've made a mistake or typo- it makes it more real! Lol I never redid paper pages when I made a typo so why do it on my digital ones?

Totally all of this!!!!:thumbup:

JennNtheBoys 07-05-2019 09:46 PM

I actually keep 3 copies of every layout. I use Paint Shop Pro, so I have a .pspimage just in case I want/need to edit, I keep a .png at full size so I have a high-quality copy, and then I have my resized .jpg that I use for uploading to the forum, and my social media.

nietis 07-06-2019 12:25 AM

Now you got me thinking....
I might as well just keep the HD jpeg and toss the tif file. Hmmm...

kristalund 07-06-2019 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by cherrygutz (Post 1062964756)
I save my LOs in tif files so it's smaller, and yes, I save them. I'm wiling to buy external hard drives so I could save them all. But maybe someday I will delete them, I don't know yet.

Today is that day for me! LOL
I deleted a ton!!

kristalund 07-06-2019 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by JennNtheBoys (Post 1062964768)
I actually keep 3 copies of every layout. I use Paint Shop Pro, so I have a .pspimage just in case I want/need to edit, I keep a .png at full size so I have a high-quality copy, and then I have my resized .jpg that I use for uploading to the forum, and my social media.

I just recently started deleting my Web Sized Los.
Now my PSDs are being deleted too!

Sherri Tierney 07-06-2019 10:52 AM

Good for you taking the plunge! I used to keep all of mine. Only once have I really wished I had one. I was able to fix the mistake even with just the flattened version though.

bcgal00 07-06-2019 11:37 AM

Nope, never. I load a jpeg into my online storage and call it done.

craftytam 07-06-2019 01:00 PM

I've kept my TIF files, "just in case"
Hmmm... maybe I should think about this :p

nietis 07-07-2019 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by kristalund (Post 1062964800)
Today is that day for me! LOL
I deleted a ton!!

I did it, yesterday, for all the 2019 layouts! Phew that felt awesome!
I just need to do it for the older layouts too. Thanks for bringing this up, Krista! :thumbup:

kristalund 07-07-2019 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by nietis (Post 1062964863)
I did it, yesterday, for all the 2019 layouts! Phew that felt awesome!
I just need to do it for the older layouts too. Thanks for bringing this up, Krista! :thumbup:

Feel good, right?!
I did it for one of my EHDs. I plan to do them all!

Gemma 07-07-2019 10:23 AM

I've got 13GB of PSD files on the new laptop but I am scared to delete them even though I have NEVER went back and changed anything after a day or so if I've noticed a spelling mistake. I might go and delete them and stop hoarding them from now on :blink:

knittingbec 07-07-2019 11:04 AM

I finally started wondering, "do I really need to save all of these?" recently, but haven't deleted any yet.
Having them on hand has saved me a couple times, when maybe I resized my jpg for uploading & then accidentally clicked "yes" to save changes, not realizing until I opened the file later to print or look at it. So I was super thankful to be able to go back to my psd file & save another high quality copy!!
But I think once they're printed & I'm sure I've got the right version saved, I probably need to delete... would clear a ton of space for sure!!

SeattleSheri 07-07-2019 12:01 PM

I always keep mine and have no plans to delete them. I have plenty of storage so there is no down side. I have them on the cloud and an EHD, so they aren't eating up space on my HD. I have actually re-used them many times. Sometimes I make a template out of an old page or I re-purpose a page for an album - for example, I've made wedding albums for friends and I reuse the page, but swap out photos, etc.

Keely~B 07-07-2019 12:38 PM

I keep my TIF files and I don't have any plans to delete them. I've corrected enough layouts in my time that I've been really glad to have them. While a small typo isn't a big thing I've had some errors that would literally ruin the page for me if I had to look at them in permanent form so....

MamaBee 07-07-2019 04:59 PM

Ironically since talking about this and I found myself needing the tiff... I went to print a layout from 2012 (hoping to finally get them into bound books) and My jpg for print was corrupted. Now I’m scared to delete the tiffs... I think I’ll just hold on to them... hubby just upgraded us to 8T storage.

Leablahblah 07-07-2019 05:08 PM

I keep them until I post the jpeg to the shop just in case I have to edit it for some reason. I have forgotten to fill out the journaling in a template for example so it was useful to have the PSD file.

nesser1981 07-07-2019 06:55 PM

I keep them until I print them. After that I delete them

a84martin 07-09-2019 12:42 PM

I keep them if I am not 100% in love with the layout. Who know's latter I may find the perfect font, I didn't already have. Or a kit with colors that suite my layout just a bit better. Otherwise I do get rid of them.

ashersmommy 07-17-2019 01:29 AM

I keep all mine. I have noticed typos and gone back to correct them.

allyanne 07-17-2019 06:42 AM

I keep them all. I have gone back many times to reprint in different photo books, sometimes as gifts for others, and different places have different margins and bleeds for pages. I almost always resize for these differences, because I can't stand having any bit of my page cut off and I'm not a huge fan of a standardized border. I've also gone back to change out little details and journaling.

Neverland Scraps 07-17-2019 05:10 PM

Well....I have a confession


Lately, I've been scrapping and uploading my layout. I always have EVERY intention of coming back to add my dates/locations (I'm trying not to leave that footprint of my locations online in my gallery). Thing is, I always forget to come back and save it as a JPG for me to print. So I have TONS of saved TIFF files on my hard drive! :blink:

I figured when things settle down here, I'll go through each folder and finally save the the layouts to JPG. Then once I do that, yes I'll delete my TIFF files because that tells me "I'm done" with that layout. Otherwise if I leave the TIFF file, I'll come back and try to finish it again and we don't want two of the same layouts going to the printers! :D

Saar 07-18-2019 02:32 AM

I keep them for a few years. Then I throw them away. One project at the time.

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