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Misty Cato 06-30-2010 12:55 AM

Book Recommendations
Next month we are going camping and I will have several hours to relax and read in the evenings. I need book recommendations for light, feel-good reads. No tragic endings, no books that are trying to teach me a lesson (typically I go for this, but not for this trip). Great characters always get me although plot-driven action can work too.

Any thoughts? (yes, I've read the Twilight series).

MandaT 06-30-2010 01:53 AM

I just read Danielle Steel's : Matters of the Heart, the whole book in 3 days. It was fabulous.

krystalhartley 06-30-2010 01:57 AM

For "light" reading, I love Jeffrey Archer and Dick Francis.

Archer tells a great story and has awesome character development. He has several books that are related to one another (Kane and Abel is one of them).

Francis' stories all tie into horse racing somehow, with the "detective" in the whodunits being a former jockey.

If you don't mind something a bit heavier, then I'd recommend Irving Stone who writes amazing biographical fiction.

And, one of my all time favorites, but is not something new I'm sure, is Jane Austen. I've read several of her stories many times. They never get old to me.

eta: I started reading all the authors in my late teens, so I'm pretty sure they'd move at a quick enough pace for you to enjoy...teens don't tend to stick with the slow, thought-provoking stuff.

DeepGirl 06-30-2010 03:44 AM

What 'bout Leo Rosten: Education of Hyman Kamplan? It's so funny book!

pomi 06-30-2010 04:09 AM

Yep, Hyman Kaplan is a dangerous reading when you're trying to be quiet and not wake up your kids, it's hilarious. :)

I love The Mitford Series by Jan Karon, too. Heartwarming, fun, makes you think and laugh and cry. :)

Robin Carlton 06-30-2010 04:15 AM

I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love right now Misty and I am totally loving it. I don't typically go for that type of book, but the author is really funny. It's a thoughtful book that's still light and fun so far. I'm only through the first leg of her journey to Italy so far so I dont know if it will get heavier or preachy, but right now it's two thumbs way up!

SmallMoments 06-30-2010 06:12 AM

Right now I'm reading Mennonite in a Little Black Dress. I'm only a chapter or two into it and it's pretty funny so far.

ColleenSwerb 06-30-2010 09:02 AM

For light and fun I'm all about Janet Evanovich and the Stephanie Plum series. You can read them in a day and they are HILARIOUS.

I'm reading "The Last Ember" by Daniel Levin right now. It's a mystery/thriller sort of novel, but very interesting. Multiple plots going on at the same time (which I love), but all easy to follow.

ayaandjudah 06-30-2010 09:12 AM

The Help by Katheryn Stockett
Half of a Yellown sun (I don't know the author)
Anything by Nelson Demille.

adrianka 06-30-2010 10:35 AM

I second Leo Rosten.

Also, I recommend anything by P.G. Wodehouse. He's a genius of witty and light.

A Year in the Merde, Merde, Actually and Talk to the Snail by Stephen Clarke are also great, and even better if one has been to France (he's making fun of the French, but in a loving way).

4noisyboys 06-30-2010 10:46 AM

I'm reading the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series right now. I had the first book for years, and finally read it a little bit ago, bought the next few, and then just ordered the rest of the series from B&N. I didn't think I'd be into it, but I love the characters, love the laid back feeling from Botswana and sometimes feel I'm there when I'm reading it. Totally different from the last two series I read (Sookie Stackhouse and Black Dagger Brotherhood).

jenn7 06-30-2010 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Robin Carlton (Post 674429)
I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love right now Misty and I am totally loving it. I don't typically go for that type of book, but the author is really funny. It's a thoughtful book that's still light and fun so far. I'm only through the first leg of her journey to Italy so far so I dont know if it will get heavier or preachy, but right now it's two thumbs way up!

I love that book - but I didn't see it as "light" reading. I can't wait to see the movie!

DawnMarch 06-30-2010 11:24 AM

I loved this one. I could really relate to it and it is really, really funny.

I Don't Know How She Does it by Allison Pearson

Misty Cato 06-30-2010 11:32 AM

Thanks ladies! I knew you'd have some great ideas. I'm off to go request some of these at the library.

BrattyMeg 06-30-2010 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Robin Carlton (Post 674429)
I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love right now Misty and I am totally loving it. I don't typically go for that type of book, but the author is really funny. It's a thoughtful book that's still light and fun so far. I'm only through the first leg of her journey to Italy so far so I dont know if it will get heavier or preachy, but right now it's two thumbs way up!

This has been on my list for awhile..just snagged the book last night to start reading! :)

carriesmom 06-30-2010 01:47 PM

The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde, my favorite book series. They are literary based, kind of sci-fi, really cool and fun. Sort of in the vein of Harry Potter.

Ginger_79 06-30-2010 02:18 PM

I LOVED to read "eat, pray, love". And to me it was a very positive, inspiring book.

If you're looking for an easy read with predictable endings (and don't we girls all love one of those from time to time?), I really enjoyed "The opposite of me" by Sarah Pekkanen and somewhat older "Lots of Love" by Fiona Walker.

chez 06-30-2010 04:11 PM

I am with the Stephanie Plum books, I have read all of them. I so love Janet E.

I am addicted to anything vamp, were or otherwise. House of the Night is a FAB series if you like that kind of thing and I believe 7 books. Also Morganville Vampires is a good series too I am onto book 7 tonight.

Patricia Briggs Mercy series is fantastic too.

mkcdaisy 06-30-2010 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by ColleenSwerb (Post 674465)
For light and fun I'm all about Janet Evanovich and the Stephanie Plum series. You can read them in a day and they are HILARIOUS.

I'm reading "The Last Ember" by Daniel Levin right now. It's a mystery/thriller sort of novel, but very interesting. Multiple plots going on at the same time (which I love), but all easy to follow.

I totally agree with the Janet Evanovich, I love her. She has several small books also Grand Finale, Naughty Neighbor, Smitten. They are easy quick reads.

crystalbird 06-30-2010 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by carriesmom (Post 674558)
The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde, my favorite book series. They are literary based, kind of sci-fi, really cool and fun. Sort of in the vein of Harry Potter.

Liz - I saw your LO a few months ago about these books (I think for one of the what are you reading challenges?) and picked them up and really enjoyed them. Until now, I couldn't remember whose LO it was. :) I thought they were quirky and a little fun. The first one started a little slow, but then I got sucked in - they were fun reads.

I really liked The Help - I couldn't put it down, although I don't know if I'd consider it light reading. It's not a difficult read, but some of the injustices it portrays make you so mad that you just want to get with someone else who has read it to talk about how much you hated some of the characters. :)

In a completely different vein, I just read 'The Red Pyramid' by Rick Riordan (the author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series). It's for a young adult audience, but it was an easy entertaining read.

AmberK 06-30-2010 05:27 PM

I LOOOOOVE the Stephanie Plum series....the characters in that book absolutely crack me up and its very rare that I will laugh out loud while reading a book.

And I love the Sookie Stackhouse series too!

SEJSmiles 06-30-2010 05:40 PM

If you liked Twilight then I would read the following books, in the following order:
The Sookie Stackhouse Series
The Black Daggar Brotherhood Series
The Midnight Breed Series

Note: The Twilight Series was G Rated....the above books are not, but nonetheless are good. They all came highly recommended to me by other scrapping friends online and I loved all 3 series.

coopert 06-30-2010 06:15 PM

I really enjoyed reading Eat Pray Love. Another one of my favorites is called The Elegant Gathering of White Snows by Kris Radish. Its a wonderful story of about 7 or 8 women on a sort of adventure together.

chez 06-30-2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by SEJSmiles (Post 674632)
If you liked Twilight then I would read the following books, in the following order:
The Sookie Stackhouse Series
The Black Daggar Brotherhood Series
The Midnight Breed Series

Note: The Twilight Series was G Rated....the above books are not, but nonetheless are good. They all came highly recommended to me by other scrapping friends online and I loved all 3 series.

I guess I will be adding these couple to my list. Sookie Stackhouse books were fantastic!

d2vasquez 06-30-2010 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Robin Carlton (Post 674429)
I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love right now Misty and I am totally loving it. I don't typically go for that type of book, but the author is really funny. It's a thoughtful book that's still light and fun so far. I'm only through the first leg of her journey to Italy so far so I dont know if it will get heavier or preachy, but right now it's two thumbs way up!

I just saw the movie trailer for this today when I saw Eclipse - I didn't know it was a book....I am going to have to put it on my list. Thanks for your suggestion!

misfitinmn 06-30-2010 09:33 PM

Have to second, or third (or fourth?) the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich...hilarious!!

I am in the midst of a Sookie Stackhouse obsession, too. In fact, I only have 3 books to get me through a weeklong vacation and I am stressing!! :)

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