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lauren grier 10-17-2013 09:40 AM

ack. what.

So. I'm only 31... but in speaking with my mother (and discussing some family history) it seems like I'm heading into perimenopause early. Google tells me it's not unheard of to hit it in your 30s.. but.......good grief! Has anyone here started going through it really early? Did that mean you were in the wobbly phase for longer than average? I've been experiencing night sweats and some irregularity issues so I think it's probable that my mom is right :crying: either that or i'm diseased.. haha. The night sweats have been going on at least 6 months, I had brushed it off to being heat related but BF had commented a few times about me continuously setting the AC in the bedroom to as low as it could go.. and well, it's now almost winter and it's been COLD and i'm still sweating through the bed :crying:

In addition to looking for someone to commiserate with.. has anyone used chasteberry/vitex? It's an herb my moms been taking since she was 30 because of family history (she's literally had zero peri or menopause symptoms/issues) and I think I'm going to try it. I did a lot of research and it seems to be one of the only herbs on the planet that doesn't interact with my coumadin :D hormone stuff is a no no for me anyway (again because of the coumadin), so if this helps I have a feeling it'll be a godsend as my body ages either way.

She also suggested sage tea.. but I'm pretty sure that's in the no no category for my med issues.

Keely~B 10-17-2013 09:59 AM

Have you talked to your doctor? I know that it's not unheard of to start in your 30s and as far as I know perimenopause can last from a few years to a decade. I'm sure it's one of those things where there's a wide range of normaI. I don't have any personal experience yet, the women in my family tend to hit menopause late, my mom and grandma were in their 60s. :blink:

I'd just talk to a doctor and get some input. I know I'm really sensitive to natural hormones and I don't have the issues you do. Herbs and plants are awesome but almost all of them have a multitude of effects, so I'd be careful.

I hope you get some answers and relief though. Being a women is fraught with suckish side effects. So, no advice but lots of empathy.

nikkiARNGwife 10-17-2013 09:59 AM

My doc informed me a couple of years ago that I was in perimenopause so around 37 I guess for me. I don't have night sweats so much as mine is really bad irregular cycles and horrible horrible mood swings. A few other TMI things I won't go into also lol..but yeah. It sucks. He told me this year at my last appt that I'll probably need a hysterectomy within the next 5 years and some days I feel like yeah...let's just go in there and get rid of all of it lol

lauren grier 10-17-2013 10:03 AM

I haven't talked to my dr yet (mom and I just discussed this so I haven't gotten that far lol) I have to get the final OK from them about the chasteberry either way. Even if there are no interactions we're going to have to monitor my blood work heavily while it gets into my system to be doubley sure it's ok. I seem to be super sensitive to everything so better safe than sorry. It's going to come down to chasteberry or nothing though. So.. it's my one glimmer of hope ^__^

MommaTrish 10-17-2013 10:28 AM

Dude, your body sucks. :(
My mom started going through perimenopause about when I got pregnant with Zach (so about 36). I remember we were all freaking out at first thinking she was pregnant too. And not like good freaking out. Anyway she's only ever managed her's with hormones, but recently had to stop them because they weren't compatible with some other medicine they started her on.

dana 10-17-2013 10:31 AM

i JUST googled this today - because i was working at the elementary school library and hot the craziest hot flash and felt a little dizzy ... i have no idea what it was ... arghh ... i hate feeling weird and not knowing what it is ... and i also hate going to the doctor ...

mariewilcox 10-17-2013 10:41 AM

Well, I started having hot flashes around 43 or so and still have them (51 now). The hot flashes feel like you're being cooked from the inside out. I used to be a turtleneck and sweater person all winter long up here but now it's a lightweight sweater or shirt and I'm good. :D However, I never have night sweats, just hot flashes when I'm awake.

I am pretty close to full-on menopause but have been having the peri symptoms of hot flashes and irregularity since 43. No idea about my family history since my mother had uterine cancer at 45 and went into surgical menopause then and she's not sure about her mother.

catgoddess 10-17-2013 10:55 AM

My sister was medically diagnosed with perimenopause at around age 35. We have a family history of early menopause as well. I'm 40 and have been experiencing symptoms for a couple years (some more severe than others). Since I can't take any hormones at all (and don't want to), I've tried a few different things to treat symptoms. I started with the most severe first - the awful mood swings.

I've had the best luck with chia seed oil to treat mood swings and mild depression. I take 1 1000mg pill once a day because I don't like the texture of the seeds. After about 8 weeks, I barely had mood swings throughout the month when before they were extreme and a bit scary - especially for me. The depression also lifted. I've been taking it daily since June and this month, I haven't had any mood swings, my anxiety is very low, and my PMS symptoms are barely existent (including food cravings).

I read about chasteberry awhile ago, but it can affect estrogen levels in the body - which is likely why your mom doesn't experience symptoms.

My sister had terrible hot/cold flashes as well, but she decided to take hormones to help. I tolerate my hot flashes, but they have become less frequent with the improvement in other areas.

Lyd 10-17-2013 11:10 AM

Not discounting the possibility of early menopause, but get your thyroid checked. With my Graves Disease (hyperthyroidism), I had hot flashes, heart palpitations, shaky hands, and other fun things. And, it can mess with your cycles too. So, yeah, it could be perimenopause, but it could be something else too. :/ Sorry, La. That's no fun.

MamaBee 10-17-2013 12:53 PM

ugh... this is a topic that I'm in denial... I have more of the mood swings and irregular periods (which as a person who has been trying for number 2, can cause massive depression)... and some other symptoms for the last number of years... probably since I had J so that would have put me in early 30's. My doctor said that until my symptoms really bother me, is when we would do something about it.

Stacey42 10-17-2013 02:19 PM

I agree with Lydia, get your thyroid checked. A friend of mine at 37 thought she was entering perimenopause because of her symptoms but after visiting her doc and some tests she ended up on thyroid medication instead and still, at 45 is not in perimenopause.

My mom had her ovaries removed due to endo when she was in her late 30s & was put on these super high dose birth control pills for about 20 or so years so she was pretty much menopausal when she stopped so she has no idea when the process ought to have started. I am on my second Mirena IUD for endo (though I still have all my parts) and haven't had a period since sometime around 2007 or so and it's hard to tell whether my random & sporadic symptoms are the endo, the side effects of the hormones from the IUD or actual perimenopause. Pretty much the sporadic nature inclines them to think not. They haven't tested me though. I'm 46.

nun69 10-17-2013 06:34 PM

well I think I am going through it, but I am 43.....I finally got to the point where I had to do something about the hot flashes (actually I am hot ALL THE TIME but more at night than ever) and I started on clonidine (which is actually a BP med and I don't think you could take with your coumadin)....but seriously sympothisizing with you.....

hollydolly70 10-17-2013 06:57 PM

I started peri-menopause at 38 - I'm now 42. Lots of strange things happening - all classic... and all very very annoying! LOL Just to be sure - have your Dr. check for any other issues such as thyroid- as the rest of the ladies suggested.
Hang in there!
Holly :)

luckyme 10-17-2013 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by hollydolly70 (Post 1164956)
I started peri-menopause at 38 - I'm now 42. Lots of strange things happening - all classic... and all very very annoying! LOL Just to be sure - have your Dr. check for any other issues such as thyroid- as the rest of the ladies suggested.
Hang in there!
Holly :)

Also, don't forget to mention any other symptoms (unexplained fever, weight loss, swollen lymph nodes, for example).

AmberK 10-17-2013 10:19 PM

My PCP thought I might be going through perimenopause last year (im 38 now) because of mood swings, breakouts, hot flashes. Went to my GYN did bloodwork and I wasnt in perimenopaouse but my progesterone and testosterone levels were WAY low.

Lindsay 10-18-2013 07:46 AM

My family also has a history of early menopause and my PCP thinks I've started (age 36) since the very first sign was the irregular periods. The hot flashes and sweats were what I really noticed first, followed by the mood swings which were OMG crazy, and then what I call "fuzzy brain" - I was more distracted, scattered, fatigued. We didn't do any blood tests, but she put me on an anti-depressant, which is weird because I was not depressed at all. The anxiety and mania have gone down significantly, sleeping better, and not nearly as emotionally volatile as I was. Still running a bit on the hot side bt with winter coming everyone wants to snuggle next to the mommy heater. I hope you get it figured out soon and get some relief.

maryinaz 10-18-2013 08:45 AM

I've been in it for the past 8 years. Most of that time I opted to be on the BC pill to regulate my hormones. I had to go off that in March and my life was hell up until August, with hot flashes every few minutes. I tried every natural and OTC option I could find and nothing worked. I then opted to do bioidentical hormones and after 2 months have finally determined (under my doctor's care) the correct combined dosages of estrogen and progesterone and I'm mostly hot flash-free.

My doctor did a blood test on me 8 years ago that determined I was in it.

Good luck Lauren and sorry you are facing this so early!! Way too early! :(

lovely1m 10-18-2013 10:58 AM

What age is normal for this to start? I didn't think I was any where near the age to think about it, but so many of you have said it started in your 30s that it scares me. I would have no one to ask what is normal in my family because nothing to do with that kind of stuff for me has followed what my mom had. Nothing.

mummytothree 10-18-2013 11:24 AM

Hmmm....I'm almost 40 (in feb) and I don't THINK I'm in it yet! Hahaha!! I still have super regular periods (although I do think I'm not ovulating every month so that might be a sign). I'm a hot blooded person anyways so I'm not sure I'd recognize a hot flash. My mom had a hysterectomy at 36 so she never experienced menopause and she can't remember about her mom. Well crap now that I just looked up the symptoms I've had most of them for that last 17 years...so I definitely won't be able to tell!!! :D :D :D

mummytothree 10-18-2013 11:30 AM

Ok Ok Ok, not most of them but
the Fatigue
the Urine leakage when coughing or sneezing
the Mood swings
the Difficulty sleeping
but all though just might be because I have 5 kids!!! :D

coopert 10-19-2013 01:47 AM

I had a lot of symptoms in my mid 30's, but after blood tests, that doctor came to the conclusion that I was not perimenopausal but low in progesterone. So I have been using a progesterone cream for over 5 years. Now at 42, I am going through perimenopause, and wow does it suck. My mood swings are horrendous. I know you can start going through perimenopause early, as my cousin has not had a period since she was 35, almost 5 years ago. But at your age it is more common that it would be a hormone imbalance.

nun69 10-19-2013 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by mummytothree (Post 1165190)
Ok Ok Ok, not most of them but
the Fatigue
the Urine leakage when coughing or sneezing
the Mood swings
the Difficulty sleeping
but all though just might be because I have 5 kids!!! :D

mine from having 4 kids !:D

Sherri Tierney 10-19-2013 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by MamaBee (Post 1164904)
ugh... this is a topic that I'm in denial... I have more of the mood swings and irregular periods (which as a person who has been trying for number 2, can cause massive depression)... and some other symptoms for the last number of years... probably since I had J so that would have put me in early 30's. My doctor said that until my symptoms really bother me, is when we would do something about it.

I feel your frustration! I am pretty sure I started having signs of perimenopause right after I had my son. I was 31. We have been TTC another since he was 2 years old (so I was 33) and have had no success. It's been 6 years now so I don't have hope left.

I go through stages where my period is regular and where it is absolutely crazy (either I don't have one for months or I bleed for months on end and have massive clotting and 'flooding' issues combined with severe iron drops and other health problems). I have had hot flashes since I was pregnant with my first baby at 27 so I can't call that a symptom. I still get them, but not night sweats, just hot flashes during the day, often in the car which leads me to believe it has to do with my motion sickness.

I have no idea of family history. The women in my family all had hysterectomies by the time they were 30.

DawnMarch 10-21-2013 12:37 AM

I agree that you should check with your doctor too. Lots of things can cause hormonal fluctuations and there might be other things that can cause night sweats. I've had night sweats since my 20s (my husband nicknamed me "the furnace") but I've always been very regular and think I've been in perimen for the last couple years. I'm 47.

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