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bcgal00 01-26-2021 03:34 PM

QOTW: 01/26 Changes
This week the question is all about "CHANGES". Have you made any?

Changes in food, routines, job, exercise...whatever.

What have you changed or hope to change this year?

bcgal00 01-26-2021 03:38 PM

We changed our lives last year to have our daughter move back home and now in the next month or so she'll be moving back out again.

So we are going to change our plans as we move forward towards retirement, where we want to live, since it will be just the two of us and start thinking about how we want to spend our time.

It's a big change and it's something we'll be thinking about for months to come. It's a bit overwhelming but also kind of exciting. This will be the biggest change we ever made (aside from getting married).

lovely1m 01-26-2021 04:09 PM

I started back to school again. I am taking a couple of pre-req's right now before starting a Masters program. So that's been a big change as I got my B.S. 17 years ago.

LJSDesigns 01-26-2021 04:18 PM

I am trying to change my relationship with food. It is a day by day thing. ;)

StacyLynn 01-26-2021 04:37 PM


New year and trying some new things that will hopefully become habits....
Walking almost every day.
Drinking more water.
And eating healthier.
(I am calling this year my selfish year.... I am putting me first for a bit so I can focus on my health in general)
Also trying to make more time for scrapbooking and my art.

rach3975 01-26-2021 10:38 PM

Biggest change was adding a second part time job, which I haven't started yet. My main job is teaching preschool, which currently means writing preschool lessons for parents to do with their kids since we've been all virtual for almost a year. The second one will be as a sub in the public schools.

The other changes I've made aren't that big--more in the vein of tweaking things I'm already doing than making major changes.

Kimberly27 01-27-2021 01:01 PM

Same ol same ol here. I did join Weight Watchers in hopes to loose some weight. I am struggling to get rid of the weight. I have been immobile due to some back issues and despite trying to eat better I can't kick the weight. Hoping WW will help.

Life in general is the same...kids in school, hubby working some days at home, some days at the office. :) Me trying to keep everything running smoothly.

lorigaud 01-27-2021 02:32 PM

No huge changes here... just more of the same things that I have been doing.

I'm working towards more of a minimalist life by getting rid of as much stuff as possible that is just taking up space in my house.

I'm continuing with Intermittent Fasting, as I have done for the past year or so, but really trying to focus on more quality food choices during my eating times.

I'm working towards growing my side business and developing a website instead of only a Facebook page.

Neverland Scraps 01-27-2021 02:51 PM

What have you changed or hope to change this year?

Lots of changes. Lots of moving parts happening in 2021, which is the cause for my absence these past few months. Once these changes happen, new chapters are opened, I'll be back and a better person. But for now, I'm personally working on me - taking care of me, improving myself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

2020 was a year of growth and 2021 is a year of change. 2022 will be challenging, but hopefully with it brings peace and happiness. :wub:

3BluEyedBabi 01-27-2021 03:49 PM

Lots of changes here.

My husband's job of 10 years (he worked for a trucking company in their paint shop) laid him off in June and then sent a letter a week before Christmas telling him that he is being terminated as is "their policy" after he was off for so long. So much for taking care of your faithful employees. I think in that 10 years, he called off twice for being sick. He always worked overtime and was just a great employee. They worked from March until June saying they were 'essential,' which they WERE NOT! and then didn't have work coming in and laid off most of their employees. They did the same thing to a man who worked for them for 30 Years and was a month away from retiring! So now he is job hunting. I'm also looking for another job because the client I had passed away (natural causes-she was 84) and the job is just too stressful for the low pay with no benefits. It's been rough. It seems every time we are getting ahead and have a nice nest egg in the bank...BOOM! something lovely happens. Right before my husband was laid off, an older man hit him right in front of our house when my husband was on his way home from work. The insurance company totaled his car because it was an old Volkswagon leaving us with only one vehicle. Oh, the joys of insurance companies! Anyway, we are taking it one day at a time....because that's about all we can do right now....

3BluEyedBabi 01-27-2021 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by lovely1m (Post 1063032113)
I started back to school again. I am taking a couple of pre-req's right now before starting a Masters program. So that's been a big change as I got my B.S. 17 years ago.


lovely1m 01-27-2021 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by 3BluEyedBabi (Post 1063032211)

Thank you!

I hope things start to improve for you this year.

bcgal00 01-27-2021 04:39 PM

Sounds like lots of changes for everyone. I get nervous with change, I like routine/schedules, knowing what's coming. I can go with the flow but only to a certain point. I've been stressed these last few days, thinking about what the right choices are going to be for us and how do figure it out. But I am going to think positively, that things will all work out as they should and we'll all be fine. I worry about my daughter leaving with her pup to an apartment next month but at least I'll be babysitting her for a minimum of 2-3 months so she'll have lots of room to play and hang out with Taz. Embracing the unknown seems to be what I'm up against in 2021. Ugh. I hate it.I want a plan and want to stick to it but know that isn't going to happen at this point.

lorigaud 01-27-2021 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by 3BluEyedBabi (Post 1063032210)
Lots of changes here.

My husband's job of 10 years (he worked for a trucking company in their paint shop) laid him off in June and then sent a letter a week before Christmas telling him that he is being terminated as is "their policy" after he was off for so long. So much for taking care of your faithful employees. I think in that 10 years, he called off twice for being sick. He always worked overtime and was just a great employee. They worked from March until June saying they were 'essential,' which they WERE NOT! and then didn't have work coming in and laid off most of their employees. They did the same thing to a man who worked for them for 30 Years and was a month away from retiring! So now he is job hunting. I'm also looking for another job because the client I had passed away (natural causes-she was 84) and the job is just too stressful for the low pay with no benefits. It's been rough. It seems every time we are getting ahead and have a nice nest egg in the bank...BOOM! something lovely happens. Right before my husband was laid off, an older man hit him right in front of our house when my husband was on his way home from work. The insurance company totaled his car because it was an old Volkswagon leaving us with only one vehicle. Oh, the joys of insurance companies! Anyway, we are taking it one day at a time....because that's about all we can do right now....

Oh my goodness Lynn.... what a lot of stress! I sure hope things start looking up. (((HUGS)))

rdjrneace 01-27-2021 06:10 PM

I am trying to change a few things:

*Moving More (at least 30 minutes every day) -- office desk job means a lot of sitting

*Drinking More Water

*Reducing the amount of "clutter" we have. I did a big downsizing about 2 years ago but still have some stuff that I just need to let go (my thought is if I have not used it or touched it in 2 years time to let go).

*Change my laundry room. This is a room that tends to get clutter so I need to clean and change it up. Improve storage and organization of the room.

*Potential change of our income. Hubby is looking at reducing his work schedule to 4 days a week starting in April (depending on what happens this year with covid19)

jaye 01-27-2021 07:05 PM

I am still off work due to the dreaded ‘c’ word. My goal was to return this week but the oncologist said 6 more months while I am on oral chemo now. This also means my income has changed, I am now on long term disability which translates to 60% of my earnings. So my little nest egg that I was building up will now stagnate. Spending habits will definitely change.

Right now not too many other changes as I am just going with the flow of treatment, side effects and doing what I can :)

knittingbec 01-28-2021 01:00 AM

In the short-term, there's some changes to my routine since my youngest child is now back in school & I'm still homeschooling my older child. So now school run, packing lunch, etc. have to be fit in along with the same amount of homeschool & chores, while also maintaining some ME time. The past week and a half haven't been really efficient, so I need to change my routine...and force myself to get up early & be productive, which is hard to do in Alaska winter! We'll gain 35 minutes of daylight this week, so that should help!

lizziej 01-29-2021 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by 3BluEyedBabi (Post 1063032210)
Lots of changes here.

My husband's job of 10 years (he worked for a trucking company in their paint shop) laid him off in June and then sent a letter a week before Christmas telling him that he is being terminated as is "their policy" after he was off for so long. So much for taking care of your faithful employees. I think in that 10 years, he called off twice for being sick. He always worked overtime and was just a great employee. They worked from March until June saying they were 'essential,' which they WERE NOT! and then didn't have work coming in and laid off most of their employees. They did the same thing to a man who worked for them for 30 Years and was a month away from retiring! So now he is job hunting. I'm also looking for another job because the client I had passed away (natural causes-she was 84) and the job is just too stressful for the low pay with no benefits. It's been rough. It seems every time we are getting ahead and have a nice nest egg in the bank...BOOM! something lovely happens. Right before my husband was laid off, an older man hit him right in front of our house when my husband was on his way home from work. The insurance company totaled his car because it was an old Volkswagon leaving us with only one vehicle. Oh, the joys of insurance companies! Anyway, we are taking it one day at a time....because that's about all we can do right now....

Lynn, as if this pandemic wasn't enough. That is horrible about how your husband and his co-workers were treated! That is so stressful! I'm sorry to read that you're having to look as well. I pray things will be better soon! I've been in that insurance situation. When we had a wind/hail storm almost 3 years ago, they wanted to total my car. We begged and begged them not to, because it was all cosmetic damage, and we were willing to pay to fix what insurance wouldn't cover. But if we had done that, then we'd have a salvage title, and there were too many drawbacks with that.

Thus far, I haven't made any big changes - it's just the little ones, like trying to eat better so I can lose weight and my ongoing project of decluttering. I have to take it one day at a time; otherwise it gets overwhelming.

Bottom line is that any change is hard.

just_jo 02-03-2021 02:30 PM

My heart hurts for those of you having such stressful changes forced upon you. We know a bit about that here too. My youngest was just diagnosed with epilepsy - just when she should be getting her driver's license instead.


Resume doing Noom!!! I faded there this past year and just maintained (lost 48, gained 5) I have 25-30 to go.

Walk daily - even if it's just down the street and back. Gotta make this a habit!

Be more productive. I've resumed making my daily lists. I even bought a nice notebook for my daily lists.

Step down from leadership positions as much as I am able to in my homeschool group. It's pretty big (500 families) and I do a lot. So far I have someone shadowing me with yearbook and prom. :thumbup:

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