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Old 07-11-2012, 05:57 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Northern Virginia
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I used PhotoImpact for about 5 years. When I was ready to switch to an Adobe program, I ended up going with the full Photoshop because there were too many things I was used to doing in PI that I wouldn't have been able to do in PSE. (IIRC, the dealbreakers were writing actions and manipulating shadows, but there were other things, too.) I used CS3 for a few years and just upgraded to CS6. It was hard to learn PS at first, but because I couldn't go back to my old program (compatibility issues) I had to push through it and learned the basics faster than I expected. I got PS with an educational discount (using my 2nd grader's report card), otherwise I never could have justified the full price.
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