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Old 08-01-2012, 04:19 AM
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sigmakap95 sigmakap95 is offline
Sugar Pie
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Keller, TX
Posts: 203

2pts. + 1pt. NR (font from Darcy) 1 - Play along with the Sweet Shoppe Summer Games and earn points for each challenge you complete. (Gymnastics)

2pts. (Archery)

1pt. + 1pt. NR (kit from Libby) 2 - This month's featured designer is not only churning out spectacular products in the shoppe week after week, but she's also a spectacular scrapper with a style all her own. Get to know Lynnette in this month's featured designer spotlight and scraplift her to earn points!
I lifted this one:
and here's mine:

2pts. + 1pt. NR (Baby Bump font from Darcy) 4 - Make something sweet with the people you love and scrap about the experience. From how you decided on what to make to taking the very first (or last) bite, don't leave out any of the details!

1pt. 5 - I think llamas are adorable! Be inspired by the cuties at and scrap something you think is adorable.

1pt. 7 - Use at least one of the cute sayings in this print as a title for your next LO

1pt. 8 - Use this cute movie poster as inspiration for your next LO design - create a page with a diagonal design focus!

1pt. 14. Use this adorable closet as inspiration for a layout(s).
I was inspired by the 'blocked' look of the closet...

2pts. 15. Click to see the source of this image and all the other beautiful embroidery hoop projects. Choose one of them for a circle-inspired layout.

2pts. + 1pt. NR (Picture Play 3) 24. Play with your pictures! Use this great blog post by Penny Springmann as a spring board for ideas on how you can add some fun colors to your photos. After you color your photo, use it on a layout.

2pts. 27. Use inspiration from this amazing blog to capture those little moments, from a story perspective, in your photos. Scrap those photos, along with the story behind them

1pt. 31-Mixing different patterns is a huge trend right now. That the fashion inspiration and mix up at least 4 different paper patterns on your layout.

1pt. 36. In July, we talked summer drinks on the blog. Scrap a page about your favorite summer drink!

1pt. 38. Use at least 3 colors from this color scheme to scrap a page! You can use any combination, but you must have 3 of these colors!

2pts. + 1pt. NR (Picture Play from Penny) 39. Are you an introvert or estrovert? Explain why and earn 2pts.

1pt. + 1pt. hybrid 40. Darcy has some AMAZING freebies at Use one of her free fonts on a page (journaling, title, etc doesn't matter where!).

1pt. Bonus Blog Challenge 2 - shrink the template


Last edited by sigmakap95; 08-30-2012 at 05:14 PM.
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