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Old 11-18-2012, 02:44 PM
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Sherri Tierney Sherri Tierney is offline
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I firmly believe that some dreams can be signs. I have dreams like that. I can tell those from the typical dreams though. The ones that mean something are extremely realistic, in color, and give me a very specific feeling when I wake up.

Through dreams I knew my aunt was pregnant, that she was having a boy, and the day her baby would be born (she had a placental rupture which was quite unexpected and no where near her due date). Dreams warned me that I would lose my first baby. I had a funny feeling from the time I first got pregnant but a dream confirmed it. I tried to forget about that one and just chalk it up to crazy pregnancy dreams but it happened almost exactly like my dream when I lost him a week later. It was another dream that let me know I would have Caitrin AND another baby. In the dream I could see a door with the word perinatologist on it. I had never heard of that before. I could see a little redheaded baby girl in a carseat and I had a swollen pregnant belly. The name of the doctor on that door turned out to be the name of the doctor I visited later... the one that my family doctor referred me to so it wasn't as though I set out looking for this guy because of the dream. I also found out Caitrin was a girl through my dreams and I was told I was pregnant with Declan. In between kids, my step-dad came to me through a dream the night he passed away. The details seemed funny to me until a conversation with my mom several months later confirmed everything. He rode a rollercoaster with my mom, got off, came to me and said "it's okay kid, I'm ready now", smiled and walked into a cloud of fog. I later found out that my mom had went to a little carnival the night he died and rode a rollercoaster. She said she was so numb she wanted something to make her feel something. She didn't tell anyone for a long time. She said she was ashamed at her reaction to his death. I told her that I wasn't sure what it meant but that I had this dream of them on a rollercoaster. Her eyes got huge and she lost her breath and then told me that she had actually been on one that night.
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