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Old 03-14-2014, 03:06 PM
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lauren grier lauren grier is offline
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Default makeup Q's: do you....

Do you fill your eyebrows?
Do you use a primer (on your face.. LOL not your eyebrows)?

I've noticed, as I'm getting older my eyebrows are getting a little thinner. I've never filled them before.. well, I tried. and it looked stupid. I've watched all these tutorials and what not.. and the women always look lovely.. and I always look like an idiot LOL I just am not sure this is a necessary aspect of my womanly appearance.. until they all fall out maybe I should just deal with what I have (fwiw, I think my eyebrows are great in general. so I should probably just ignore it.. but it seems to be the "thing" to fill them in so they're perfect and even and identical. I am not perfect )

and onto primer. This also appears to be a "thing" but............ I tried some the other day and it seemed stupid. I just got a basic primer, not a colour corrector or anything so maybe thats the problem? It just made my face feel weird and I didn't really understand why this was supposed to be special. It made it MORE obvious I was wearing makeup if anything because it kinda gave my skin a weird texture.. or something. I don't know. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong there.. i know I put too mcuh the first time, LOL I applied it like lotion, and i guess you're just supposed to put dots all over and blend them in till your face is dry?
I tried the revlon photo ready stuff.. but meh. Maybe a better brand will feel less.. odd?
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