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Old 04-08-2015, 09:04 AM
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MamaBee MamaBee is offline
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I've had the same thoughts, Kristy! And I agree with Crystal... life has become so easy and handed to (most) kids today... Hubby has made comments about work (he works for a company with only 100 or so employees) about their "junior" engineers coming out of college - when there is a problem that they have to solve, the "old timers" are sitting down with pencil to paper, brainstorming, doing the math to solve it... what are the newbies doing? They are jumping on youtube and watching a video on how to fix it or they are googling to find the math equation and tutorials on how to do it. Even going through and interviewing candidates... most don't know the most basic equations that are used daily because there is no push to memorize them and know them... it's there at their finger tips. I remember my grandpa "yelling" at me when I wanted to use a calculator... "Girl, when that calculator runs out of power, what are you going to do?"

It really is sad... this country was built on hard word and ingenuity... and somewhere along the line that has been lost and what will the US look like when our grandkids are adults?
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