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Old 05-02-2015, 01:57 PM
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mariewilcox mariewilcox is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Maine
Posts: 2,931

1) Hi! (selfie of me without makeup or hair done and after 9 hours of work (with more to go=hideous!)
2)My name is Marie-Janine and my user name is my first name shortened and last name because I'm so creative
3) For 15 years now between the two.
4) Right now this one

5) This one because in a million years I would not have the patience to scrap like Simone
6) Early Bird
7) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
BBQ pizza
8) What are you afraid of?
9) What's your favorite book / movie / tv show?
I don't have just 1 favorite book, no way could I pick one. I love the movie Field of Dreams. My favorite TV show is Leverage
10) What are you listening to?
All day I've been listening to foreign doctors dictate If you mean music, I've been wearing out Christian Kane's House Rules CD
11) Who is your favorite designer?
Melissa B
12) What was the last thing you spent money on?
13) If you could live anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you live?
San Diego
14) Who do you admire? Why?
My parents for making it work for 50+ years and raising strong, capable, independent children
15) Describe yourself with one word.
16) Do you have a pet peeve?
Only one??? Idiot drivers are at the top of my list
17) If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?
Oh jeez, I really have no idea... hmmm, Pat Benitar so I could rock out all day long
18) Leave a little love in the gallery and give a shout out to those scrappers here!
TTT83 scrappurple
19) What is the last thing that made you laugh?
Honestly something stupid in an ED note from today - spit on my monitor because it was so funny but due to HIPAA laws I can't tell you what it was or I'd have to kill you
20) Why do you love Sweet Shoppe Designs?
The designers of course but the members too!
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