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Old 05-02-2015, 05:16 PM
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nowens nowens is offline
Sweet Tooth
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 494

1) Snap a selfie, change your avatar & say hi! That would be my I-can't-believe-you-made-me-take-a-selfie-on-my-no-shower-day look. Hi!
2) What's your name and how did you choose your username? Nikki Owens . . . so yeah, I was really creative by using my first initial and last name. :P
3) How long have you been scrapping / digi-scrapping? Digiscrapping since 2008; never paper scrapped.
4) Share your favorite layout from your own gallery! I'm no good at favorites, but I do quite love my OLW page for this year.

5) Share your favorite layout from someone else's gallery! Really, I'm terrible at favorites. Here's one of many that I love.

6) Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl by nature, Early Bird by force these days (hour-long commute to my job as a teacher during the week; darned up-with-the-sun kids on the weekends, lol).
7) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza. You can get a lot of variety with pizza.
8) What are you afraid of? Deaths of loved ones, spiders, tornados, anything terrible happening to my children.
9) What's your favorite book / movie / tv show? OMG, another favorite question! LOL. This would take forever if I listed them all. First of my faves to pop into my head for each category: The Handmaid's Tale / The Philadelphia Story / How I Met Your Mother
10) What are you listening to? Been alternating between my "current loves" playlist on Spotify and my kids fighting
11) Who is your favorite designer? Nope, nope, nope. Not falling for that trick. But seriously, I am TERRIBLE at favorites.
12) What was the last thing you spent money on? Ordered some shirts from New York & Co. (had to spend my City Cash, ya know).
13) If you could live anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would you live? Maybe Edinburgh, Scotland? I spent a month there and loved it, and it was nice and cool in the summer, which is a massive plus for me.
14) Who do you admire? Why? Elizabeth Warren comes to mind right now. I love a classy dame who takes no crap and fights for those who need a voice.
15) Describe yourself with one word. Multi-faceted
16) Do you have a pet peeve? Ridiculously bad grammar. I wouldn't say I'm a "Nazi" about it because I fully accept that language evolves. But there are some things, like subject-verb agreement, that just totally grate on my nerves.
17) If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why? My seven-year-old daughter. I think it would really help me to understand her a lot more.
18) Leave a little love in the gallery and give a shout out to those scrappers here!
Shout-outs to Stacia (, Adi (, and Cheryl (
19) What is the last thing that made you laugh? I was shuffling Macklemore on Spotify earlier this morning (while the kids were playing upstairs out of earshot, lol) and "American" came on -- that song is some hilarious satire, and it cracked me up.
20) Why do you love Sweet Shoppe Designs? High-quality products, welcoming community, fun challenges, great sales, tons of inspiration.
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