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Old 05-18-2015, 09:08 PM
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Sherri Tierney Sherri Tierney is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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Default Funny things kids say...

I work at a school with 2nd and 3rd graders. I run the computer lab. Today I was laying on my back under one of the tables dealing with a mess of ethernet cables that the kids had kicked loose and managed to tangle up. I had zip ties and was going to work making sense of it all. A couple of kids were in the lab using laptops. As one of the kids finished up and started to leave he stopped, waved to me and said "Bye Mrs. Tierney, enjoy your nap!".

He said it in such a matter of fact way, like all day he saw adults lying on the floor taking naps, that I couldn't help but laugh.

What's your kid funny of the day? (Week, year... )
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