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Old 05-19-2015, 12:48 AM
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LeeAndra LeeAndra is offline
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Well, the baby can't talk yet, so I just have my almost-6-year-old daughter's quotes to amuse you with.

Let's see... she said that she's friends with mostly boys at school because they are easier to boss around. She's also said that boys should have their own song like 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,' but it would be called 'Boys Are Gross.'

When talking abt moving from where we live now, her burning questions included, 'Will they have stores?' 'Will we bring food with us?' 'Will we still have a computer?'

DH loves to say nonsensical things like, 'How was school today? Did you win?' After her usual, 'I didn't win anything, Daddy!' she one time muttered under her breath, 'Ridiculous.' I could not stop laughing.

She always sings Ms. Trainor's song as 'All abt that bass in trouble...'

The funniest thing she has ever said, though, was when my mom was driving my nephew, my sister, her, and me home from the zoo and she proudly told everyone that I had lots of nipples. When everyone started giggling, I told her that I did not and to please explain herself. She meant moles. My mom almost had to pull the car off the road from cry-laughing.
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