Thread: time management
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Old 06-14-2015, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by lauren grier View Post
lol.. getting the boys to clean is more work than doing it myself sometimes
So, so true! I try to tell myself that in the long run they'll be able to take the jobs over and it will all pay off, but yeah...not happening right now when I know that doing it myself takes half the time of convincing them to do it and then supervising/teaching. And there's a 50% chance Ben won't do whatever I assign him (he's on the autism spectrum and extremely stubborn about some things; we have to focus on the battles that are most important, and extra housework doesn't make that list). When Ben doesn't do his Jason will get mad about it and talk my ear off complaining, making the whole process take even longer. Bleh. I want a self cleaning house, please. Either that or the ability to clone myself.
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