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Old 10-08-2015, 08:18 AM
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zakirahzakaria zakirahzakaria is offline
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Jacinda, I think I'm like you on being the only scrapper in the family. And yes, when disasters like hard drives crashes happen, that's when people realize having printed copies of precious photos is sooo important. And that's when they see that we're not wasting our time in front of the computer scrapping

Originally Posted by jacinda View Post
I don't just scrap for myself and my kids - I also scrap for my extended family. I have 11 nephews and nieces on my side alone, and I constantly have albums on the go for them. I'm the only scrapper in the family by a long stretch, so I have my brothers and sisters send me photos they want scrapped, or I'll see one they've posted on facebook and ask them to send me the high res version. Once I've scrapped the page, I have the parents send me journalling to go with it. One niece has just come back from Disneyland and a big USA trip, so I have all her photos to pick and choose from. Excited much!? LOL.

It can get a little overwhelming sometimes, because my photo folders never get smaller, but the kids love their pages, and their scrapbooks are the only places they can read messages straight from their parents. Last year my sister messaged me saying her hard drive had crashed and she'd lost ALL the photos of her son's first 2 years. The scrapbook album I'd done and printed of his first years was now the only record she had of him. It took that for her to really appreciate the gift.
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