Thread: The C word . .
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Old 10-19-2015, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by JennNtheBoys View Post
Kids grow up too fast.... I say let them stay "little" fr as long as possible. You never know... maybe the tables have turned and he's playing you so you don't miss the whole "him believing" thing.

I have a hard time with this... I still believe and I do all the jolly mans shopping, wrapping, assembling, delivering, etc. LOL I think it's easiest on the oldest to transition, because they grow out of it, but still get to 'pretend' because now they are old enough to help with the other little ones who still believe. My brothers we way older than me and did it for me.

It's hard to keep them in believing that magic... all the movies hint at it too much, and of course more and more people are dropping the tradition or it is becoming just as taboo as religion in the public eye... it's sad to me, but I understand where people are coming from. All I can do is do what I want for my family, and raise the boys in seeing the fun in it (even after they no longer believe) so the tradition can continue. Oh and social media.... forget it, even just reading over my shoulder it's all over the place how people are talking about stockings, the elf, and santa....... I feel like I'm just rambling now.... lol

Last year I kinda tried to hint at it with my oldest (then 12) when he didn't want to go see Santa at the mall, so I knew time was growing short with him... he was still right on with that Elf though!!! This year he's hinted himself of a little more disbelief so I asked him when we were alone if he was going to help me with his brothers this year.... so he's on board with learning and seeing what the "other side" is all about.
I totally feel the same way!! Kids are forced to grow up too quickly and I don't want him too! He's in 8th grade right now and we went to a meet the teacher night and they were already talking about college and stuff! I don't remember having to worry about college until I was a junior in high school!

Sorry for hi-jacking the thread with my kiddo issues. Part of me thinks he is saying he believes so that I won't stop getting him presents.
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