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Old 12-19-2015, 01:29 AM
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Sherri Tierney Sherri Tierney is offline
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On Christmas Eve we usually have lasagna for dinner. We used to do our thing with extended family on that night but now we go to church service instead. After church we just hang out and watch movies. We are really VERY laid back. I have no problem with the Christmas Eve plans changing (other than church).

On Christmas Day we wear our pajamas all day. My husband is always the first one awake and we quickly find him bouncing on everyone's beds waking them up exclaiming that Santa has come. Yes, my husband... not one of the kids. LOL I usually go back to sleep after we open presents. As the kids have gotten older the whole present thing takes less and less time. When they were little it took ALL.DAY.LONG to open presents. They would unwrap one, open it, set it up, play with it, have a snack, get distracted by a pet or something and then move on to the next present. We used to, quite literally, spend 12 hours opening gifts because of how long it took in between each one. I loved spreading it all out though. - Stockings are always first and something they can dig into while I work on breakfast.
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