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Old 05-03-2016, 11:14 AM
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kendallt kendallt is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: South Carolina
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In the past two years, I've taken on a few leadership positions with various organizations. I'm on the board for the Downtown Development Association in the city where I live. I'm also on the Events Committee for that same organization. I'll be honest. I got involved in this group mostly to network and add fodder for my resume, but I really do enjoy helping plan the events and be in the know re. all the happenings and latest news.

I'm also on the Steering Committee for the young professionals group in the town where I live. This takes up a ton of my time, but I seriously love the group and am passionate about our mission of bringing more young people and particularly young professionals to my city. I've actually met most of my good friends through this organization.

I'm involved in the PTO at my daughter's school, and this is probably the organization I enjoy least, mostly because I'm the youngest parent by far, and I always feel a little bit like I'm being judged. Maybe that's just me, but it's a tad uncomfortable. I want to know what's happening at her school though and be involved, and the PTO is the best way to do that, so I put up with it.

I used to be an Ambassador for our Chamber of Commerce, but when I moved to my current job a little less than two years ago, I had to give that up because I just didn't have the time. I was also involved in a Junior Woman's Club in my town up until this year, but again, I stepped away since I'd done it for several years and wanted to get involved in other groups. I enjoy being involved in the community, but it definitely cuts into my free time, and sometimes I resent that. But at the end of the day, I have to remind myself that I signed up for these commitments. I think getting involved can be a great way to get to know people, and that's (almost) never a bad thing.

Last edited by kendallt; 05-03-2016 at 11:17 AM.
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