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Old 02-18-2017, 08:30 PM
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kendallt kendallt is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 5,677

I live in Aiken, SC which is about 20 miles from Augusta, GA, home of both the world-famous Masters golf tournament and James Brown. We have about two weeks of fall-like weather, and then it goes straight to winter. We're lucky though that it doesn't normally get too cold here, even during winter. We hardly ever get snow, and when we do, it's a BIG deal (As in, the whole town shuts down). We usually have a wonderful spring with lots of azaleas and other trees and shrubs blooming. It really is beautiful and one of my favorite times of year. Summer is HOT and humid. This is a photo of one of the major landmarks in my town. It's called South Boundary Avenue, and I pretty much drive down it every day to pick my daughter up from school.

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