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Old 06-05-2017, 07:22 PM
GraceLee GraceLee is offline
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These stories are just insane! I can't believe so many people's been robbed before! :-o There really are jerks everywhere.

I had my (crappy) bike stolen from me when I was in college. A week later I saw it on campus. I didn't even try to get it back... I just figured if they were desperate enough to steal my rusty bike, they needed it more than me. It was really common back then. Also when I graduated, my parents got me this gigantic balloon (like a $50 balloon) and they couldn't take it in, so they left it outside. When they came back out, a guy was holding it and wouldn't give it back to them!! Said they had no proof it belonged to them even though it was one of a kind!! My parents ended up getting another balloon for me but... who does that?! Seriously.

On a more serious note, my parents' vacation home got broken into. They lived on the 28th floor (the top floor) and the police believed the robbers rappelled down from the roof and entered through the balcony. They didn't take anything big, just some inexpensive jewelry, and I'm glad my parents weren't in there at the time cause they'd probably have gotten harmed or killed. They sold their house really quick after that. Nothing makes you feel as violated and insecure as getting your house broken into.

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