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Old 01-16-2018, 01:36 AM
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I also print my PL layouts and digital layouts in the same book. I do a month of PL layouts, then the corresponding month of digital layouts. I'm still working on 2017 right now, and I'm planning to print the year in 3 photobooks. I've gotten through July in PL pages but am even farther behind in digital pages. My goal right now is to finish the last 5 or so digital pages for my January to April book and get it printed. After that I'll go back to working on a mix of PL and non-PL until I have May to August ready to print. I'm hoping to start my 2018 PL by March and have all of 2017 printed by June.

One of my biggest PL hold ups is spending time to sort and organize photos, so I'm trying to be more intentional about what I photograph and focus on getting one photo that's good enough (in most circumstances) instead of trying for the perfect photo. That resolve will go out the window when something photo-worthy happens, but I'm hoping it will help cut down on photo overwhelm.

Originally Posted by tanyiadeskins View Post
I do not like to call is Project Life though because there is a sort of "look" to that and I feel like I am too far out of the box. Ya know? I do project 365 so I take a pic a day and post it in a private Instagram and write what I want there and I do it everynight. Then when I do my layout, it is like Project 52 style cause its a one week layout with journaling for every day. So I don't know... is that PL? I feel like it is lol.
I think Project Life is whatever you say it is! People use it to mean all different things. But if you're scrapping 7 weekly photos with journaling, that sounds like PL to me.
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