Thread: Time Management
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Old 01-14-2019, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by AmieN1 View Post
We have a big paper calendar in the cupboard in the kitchen. It is life. If it's not on that calendar- it doesn't happen. The kids can look at it in the morning to see what's going on after school, if they wanted hot lunch, etc. Between the kids' activities & hubby & I's work schedules, we're crazy busy it seems!

I also have everything on my phone google calendar- but that's mostly just for me. I have kept a paper one in the past, but it just seemed redundant to write everything twice. With my phone calendar- I can schedule stuff while out & about as well as get reminders if I want to.

On my days off- I usually have a few things on my to-do list (which I write out every morning- because it's fun to check it off!!! )
When my kids were young, I tried to get hubby to use a physical calendar so I could keep track of everything... that totally bombed! LOL!

I do love checking things off of a list (actually, I love crossing it out...vigorously!)
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