Thread: QOTD Habits
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Old 03-13-2019, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Neverland Scraps View Post
When we lived in GA many years ago, I mopped the entire house every day with bleach. But it wasn't because of dirt. It was to keep the cockroaches away. I mopped the floor so much that my tan floors were white and I cleaned away the lacquer that they had on the tile! I also did the same thing with our counter tops! I bleached the counter tops every single morning and again in the evening. Now, all these years later, bleach gives me a horrible migraine! But I heard Kentucky has cockroaches so I might be going back to this habit!

Mopping is very relaxing though, so I completely understand your husband!
How could you stand the strong smell of bleach every day, Wendy? When we get sick, I'd mop the floor using dettol - the disinfectant, my husband would know the smell and he'll cringe. It reminds him of the hospital smell and he hates it.
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