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Old 05-22-2019, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by icindi View Post
I see others have come from other store "homes" when the store closed. It's been several years now since the store where I was on the store CT closed. But it was traumatic! I'd met many other scrappers/staff/designers there and was very involved so knew that the friendships I'd made would never be the same. Maybe the more you're involved and the closer you become to people the harder it is to move on! Did anyone else have "scrap trauma" with a store closing? It sounds really crazy now that I write that.....LOL
YES! I was at ScrapMatters for a VERY long time and made some amazing friends (many whom I am still friends with!) I was an SMG (my job was to leave love in the gallery, and we were "paid" with free products), then I was on their newsletter team, then site CT, then an admin. When they closed, it was so hard to find a place where I felt I belonged. I wandered for a LOT! I was all over the place, participating in challenges at different sites, on different ct's. But never felt like any one place was home. I eventually moved over to ScrapOrchard, but it still wasn't fully home, more like a college dorm, where I was living for a while. Once they closed, I was homeless again! (Hopefully stores don't close once I decide to make them my home!)

Now I am here. Wendy and I made the decision together. But unfortunately, I'm not sure it's home yet. While I love the designers, and the challenges are ok (I'm learning to like the Passport system), and I feel I have a few friends. But I am still feeling like an outsider. I'm still not quite sure I fully fit in. But, this is where we agreed, so until we agree to move on again, this is where I will be!
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