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Old 05-28-2019, 12:34 AM
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cherrygutz cherrygutz is offline
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I agree with all the ladies, and it could be a very tough matter. But maybe you could suggest that instead of toys and other materials things, the money that they will use to buy those can just go to their (kids') college fund or something? And if they decide to give the money to the kids, maybe you could talk to them to keep the money for their grandparents' emergency fund?

I can be really tough right? Because kids love stuff even if they're just going to be on it for few weeks and then forget about it.

I might be feeling a little envious of you on that matter since my IL only have two grandkids and one of them is my daughter, but they have a very big way of showing that they favor their grandson more and it shows in a lot of ways. that everyone notice, lol.
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