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Old 02-07-2020, 02:39 PM
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bcgal00 bcgal00 is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Kamloops BC Canada
Posts: 2,439

What in your life do you celebrate?
I celebrate my family. We almost lost a family member a few yrs ago and what's ensued after has changed my life. I spend more time with family, appreciate the little moments and believe that every day together is a gift. My time with Bailey is more precious to me than I can express.

Do you have a celebration that stands out in your memory?
This past Xmas was special b/c it was the first time, after 2 yrs in the hospital, that we got to spend the holiday season with Bailey. We all ate, laughed a lot and watched lots of holiday movies together. It was a quiet time but so memorable.

Celebrating means cake to me, does it to you? Favorite?
German chocolate cake is a long time fave. When I was a kid my mom would take me to a lunch counter at a department store that had the biggest, best tasting cake I've ever had. They closed down many, many years ago and I'll never forget the afternoon treat with my mom, stopping for cake.

What was the last event you celebrated (other than Xmas/New Years)?
It would have been my birthday in October, spent with the family. We hung out for awhile and went out for dinner. A week later we all went to see a movie (my daughter's treat for us).

Family celebrations - tell me about one.
One of the most memorable celebrations was for my hubs. In 2018, my hubs' birthday gift was a sky diving session. It was exciting for me to watch as he and his buddy went through training and then off to their plane with a few others. I was able to stand fairly close to where they would land and took photos, although once they jumped, it all happened so fast, in a few seconds they were on the ground. Don't know if he will ever go again but it was an amazing experience for him.
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