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Old 03-27-2020, 09:49 AM
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jaye jaye is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Ontario, Canada
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In my little corner of the world it is as many, surreal. Only people working are what the Premier has determined as essential services. We are being told to only leave the house if necessary and to practice social distancing, all parks have been closed, play equipment has been fenced off as people were bringing their kids to play. We are being encouraged to maintain physical activity and be outside, just be mindful of staying away from people. I have noticed the trails are much busier so I am trying to go early in the morning with my dog as I let her go off leash and expend some of her Lab energy or I may try the supper hour as we eat later than most anyway.

Some items in grocery stores remain hard to find or are sparse, limits placed on some items as people panicked and started hoarding. I just get what we need for the week and that's it. There are only two of us so needs aren't that big.

I work at a high school so we are currently off. The return date as of now is listed as April 6 but the Premier has stated it is unlikely but no word on extension etc.

My province had a big one day spike, there are 858 confirmed cases and 15 deaths as of last night. Many people have returned from Spring break so I think those number will rise. As a country we have 4018 confirmed cases and 39 deaths as of last night. In my area we have 9 confirmed cases as of this morning and no deaths.

I was fine until yesterday, think all the unknowns and 'what ifs' got to me. Will I be returning to work this year? What will I do for pay? How long will they pay me? When we will we find out? When will we return to normal? What is normal going to look like?

Wow, this ended up being much longer than I anticipated, lol.

Hope everyone else is hanging in there ♥
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