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Old 01-27-2021, 05:10 PM
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Originally Posted by 3BluEyedBabi View Post
Lots of changes here.

My husband's job of 10 years (he worked for a trucking company in their paint shop) laid him off in June and then sent a letter a week before Christmas telling him that he is being terminated as is "their policy" after he was off for so long. So much for taking care of your faithful employees. I think in that 10 years, he called off twice for being sick. He always worked overtime and was just a great employee. They worked from March until June saying they were 'essential,' which they WERE NOT! and then didn't have work coming in and laid off most of their employees. They did the same thing to a man who worked for them for 30 Years and was a month away from retiring! So now he is job hunting. I'm also looking for another job because the client I had passed away (natural causes-she was 84) and the job is just too stressful for the low pay with no benefits. It's been rough. It seems every time we are getting ahead and have a nice nest egg in the bank...BOOM! something lovely happens. Right before my husband was laid off, an older man hit him right in front of our house when my husband was on his way home from work. The insurance company totaled his car because it was an old Volkswagon leaving us with only one vehicle. Oh, the joys of insurance companies! Anyway, we are taking it one day at a time....because that's about all we can do right now....
Oh my goodness Lynn.... what a lot of stress! I sure hope things start looking up. (((HUGS)))

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