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Old 07-12-2021, 12:21 AM
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Default More health weirdness

So, I am experiencing more health weirdness and woes. This past Tuesday, I was outside and picked a few weeds from my flower bed. Like maybe 5 at most, because I have someone who does the lawn. Anyway, I woke up Wednesday with the right side of my face swollen. I took some Benadryl, which seemed to help, especially with the itch, and went about my day.

Thursday when I woke up, my right eye was almost swollen shut and the swelling in my face was back with a vengeance. I called the doctor, but couldn't get an appointment and was told to take, you guessed it, Benadryl. I did that and it seemed to get better.

But when I woke up on Friday, my right eye was totally shut and my face was on fire. Still can't get into the doctor, so I went to Med-Stat only to find out that my allergic reaction has an underlying infection and I needed to go on a stronger antihistamine, an antibiotic and a steriod. Let me just say, that combination of meds knocked me on my butt.

The cocktail seems to be helping because this morning when I woke up, my eye was not swollen, but my face is still red, hot, and itchy as hell. As a result, my skin is a mess. I am so dry and scaly it's embarrassing. Since I have an infection, I feel a little cautious about just putting on any moisturizer, so I have been using a medicated lotion for the last few days. Not helping at all.

Do you all have any suggestions for me? I need something that is going to provide moisture without a lot of other stuff that could make the infection worse. Not sure there is such a thing, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Thanks!
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