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Old 05-23-2022, 03:48 PM
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Cherylny Cherylny is offline
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Originally Posted by Sherri Tierney View Post
I was in a few dangerous situations as a child, but was sheltered enough during those situations to be unaware of just how precarious they were. I'm thankful for that as it likely would have caused a lot of trauma had I been aware of the gravity of the situation.

As an adult, I'd say that the most dangerous have had to do with weather. When we first moved to this house, there was a terrible storm that I had to drive through to get home. Lightening struck a tree that dropped right in front of my path when I was almost home making me have to turn around and go an unfamiliar route. I hit flooding there. Finally, I made it home. I haven't driven in a storm like that since, and I hope never again. Another time was coming in to work one morning. It had snowed and they didn't call a snow day. The roads were SO icy that I slid into the ditch twice and traveled about 10mph all the way to my son's school and then to mine. We were getting our first Covid vaccine that day and that is the ONLY reason I kept going! I was traumatized after sliding all over the road (with 4wd on) that I refused to drive in the snow for a bit after that. Then there was the time I was rushing my cat to the vet. It was this past August, right before school started. I got home early and my son pointed out that our cat wasn't acting right. I called the vet who said bring him in. We are about 30 minutes or so from our vet. I was part way there when it started to rain extremely hard. It was coming down in sheets. The road I was on is a narrow back road that has steep drop-offs on either side of the road and no shoulder. I could barely see 10 feet in front of the vehicle. Beside me sat my son with the cat who was looking worse by the minute.

Each time everything turned out fine. No one was hurt. We nearly lost the cat before he was discovered to have a heart murmur, but he is still with us, almost a year later.
I think weather related scares are some ot the worse! We drove through Hurricane Laura two years ago. It was predicted for the next day and it blew into our path one day early. We felt the storm pick our SUV up!

I'm glad you made it through the terrible storms you drove through! It's SO frightening to drive on ice, too. You've been lucky with your storm encounters. I'm SO happy that your kitty is still with you!!

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