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Old 06-27-2023, 11:47 PM
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angiekey angiekey is offline
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Location: Princeton (DFW) Texas
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I must follow you all on Goodreads!

It looks like I'm the odd one out, but I'm a science fiction fan. I dig hard sci-fi as well as speculative fiction; if I'm going to read fantasy, it's urban fantasy (think vampires and sexy fae rather than hobbits, trolls, and orcs).

My latest run of books has been Orson Scott Card's Enderverse. I finished Shadow Puppets (which was pretty good) and I'm about to start either Shadow of the Giant or Speaker for the Dead.

I'm thinking about re-listening to Jeremy Robinson's Singularity (this series blew my mind!)

And I've got Daisy Jones and the Six waiting for me, but I haven't been in the mood to start it. Instead, I've been re-listening to Kim Harrison's Hollows series. Book #17 just came out, but I started reading these 20+ years ago, so I thought I'd go back to the beginning and refresh myself.

And if none of those speak to me, I've got book #11 of Karen Marie Moning's Fever series in my queue.

Are there any other sci-fi readers here? Tell me what you're reading these days!

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