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Old 04-12-2024, 05:08 PM
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aussiegirl aussiegirl is offline
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Default New Album direction...

I asked each of my girls, and they would rather I just started printing albums of all the layouts I have done. I would print them in chronological order in the album, but they could eventually have layouts/years split up between multiple albums.

I think with them getting older, they just want the memories any way they can get them!

So I spent a day going through layouts and copying many into 1 folder for each of the girls. They each have over 1000 layouts!!!! That will be about 10 books for each girl if I do Shutterfly's flat rate sale! I think I know what they will be getting for Birthdays, Christmas, Easter for the next few years! And that's not even all of their layouts (I just searched with each of their names and just started copying over what I found). This is going to be a BIG project, but I think they will LOVE it! Now to organize their layouts more by years, and continue to find ones that belong to each of them! They agreed they want me to start with their childhood first, since I tend to scrap most recent currently!

I'm excited, yet a little overwhelmed!
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