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Old 12-31-2012, 05:24 PM
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DawnMarch DawnMarch is offline
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I think my biggest issue is that I tend to focus totally on my children. Maybe it's best to just make this a complete life album including my, hubby and current events.
I really thing that's the beauty of PL is that you can make it anything you want. I love having PL as about our family and our daily lives - to me it is more meaningful and provides so much more context. I think having a family focus is more realistic as the kids grow up, don't have as many "firsts" and don't necessarily wanting you taking their picture all the time! My child isn't starting school or having a birthday party in a vacuum, they are doing those things while there are hurricanes and royal weddings and mass shootings and the dog going to the vet and presidential elections and Olympics and their cousin getting married and great grandma passing away. Life is all one big jumble of events and history, happy and sad, and I know I'll never capture it all but I love trying to get some pieces of it in there. Plus, my kids will eventually get these albums (one way or another and I know they will want to know what their father and I had going on in our lives too!
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