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Old 04-02-2013, 04:03 PM
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alinalove alinalove is offline
Sweet Tart
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 437

1. - These funny and odd compliments remind me of my children and their "compliments". Create a page using one of these as your inspiration or use an odd compliment of your own. 2 pt.

4 - Arrows are a huge trend this year! Work at least 10 different arrows into your page! - 2 pts +1 nr juliana kneipp - life in it 15-04-2013

7- These colors have me longing for green grass and lighter layers! Chose 3 colors from the Pantone Spring forecast and create a page. 2 pt

14 - April is National Poetry Month! Check out this massive resource of poetry categorized by topic ( and use one on a layout--or if you're feeling brave and creative, try a few verses of your own! - 2pts.

19- Tim Holtz has some amazing products that inspire me. Take inspiration from all the fasteners they have! Use at least 3 different fasteners on your page! -2 pts.

20- April is Lawn and Garden Month. Put lots of flowers and greenery on your page! -2 points

22 - I am in LOVE with Nettio Designs blog. She has so many amazing ideas and motivation. Check out this post, and take her challenge to "push outside your comfort zone, challenge your assumptions of what you think you’re capable." -2 pts +1 nr blue skies and sunshine 13-04-2013.

23 - This layout by Shanna is so gorgeous, I love the stark whiteness with black line art and just a tiny pop of teal. Challenge yourself to use white as your main color for your layout (at least 75%!), everything else must be black with a tiny pop of color. - 2 pts

24 - Gallery Walls are all over the place right now! I challenge you to make a gallery wall scrapbook page. Embellish however you want, but you need to have at least 6 frames in a configuration such as this one on your wall! - 2 pts

25 - Use one of these inspiring thoughts as the basis of your page. (Use stapled tags on your page and earn a bonus point too!) - 2 pts +1 for stapled tag + 1 nr dream big 08-04-2013

28 - "April Showers bring May Flowers." For some reason, there's nothing that makes me think spring more than umbrellas so I want to see you use umbrellas on your next page. Photographs or elements, make an umbrella the star of the show! - 2 pts

29. Recipe Challenge...use terrab's awesome page as inspiration to create a page that has the following items on it: Some kind of chevron pattern, arrows, 8 Flowers (no more, no less), a journal card, and 2 photos. 1 layout - 2 pts

30 - Use one of these phenomenal web designs from Oranges Web Design Studio as inspiration for your next layout. Be sure to tell us which of their designs inspired you! - 2 pts per layout up to 6 pts
inspired by 2 pts + 1 nr sweet song 14-04-2013

31- From cards to mini albums, layouts to treat bag toppers, there are a zillion and one paper craft ideas at Shellye McDaniel's Papered Cottage. Best of all, they are layered up like crazy! Find inspiration in one of her projects to create something crafty of your own. Be sure to include at least 5 different elements that make the project dimensional when you photograph it and share which of Shellye's projects inspired you too! - 10 pts
sorry, i am not that good a this. need more practice
inspired by:

Count: 41 pts
including 5 nr points
alina, wildly creating for Studio Basic Designs, Simple Pleasure Designs, Rachel Jefferies, Little Butterfly Wings, Lynn Grieveson, On A Whimsical Adventure and Kim B.

Last edited by alinalove; 04-30-2013 at 02:51 PM.
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