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Old 04-05-2013, 12:04 PM
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Sarah8914 Sarah8914 is offline
Sweet Talker
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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We have taken small steps to eat healthier. I would go for a lot more organic stuff if it wasn't so expensive! We don't eat a lot of junk food and I cook all our meals.. I'm trying to get away from canned things and processed food--at least... minimize those things. So the little things we have done more recently are...

using whole wheat pasta. I have one child who doesn't like it (but still eats it) and none of the others even notice.

dry beans instead of canned. I am LOVING this. I cook a whole bag at once and freeze whatever we don't use. There are only a couple meals that we notice a difference and a little salt helps with that. Anyway, way less sodium and better all around.

I'd like to cut out cold cereal but I can't right now. It's soooooo convenient and with a new baby on the way, I just can't do that to myself.

I also started making our own bread for sandwiches, however, that didn't go well for the kids (crazy!)... I'm going to try again soon.

I'm trying to cut back on crackers (for snacks for the kids), but that's a hard one for me too. We don't have as many options anymore, which helps... but I need to try some other things (like homemade granola or something).

I want to switch to brown rice too---I don't know why we haven't done that.

Anyway... those are our very little changes. it's a good start for us and it hasn't been hard to ease into. Hopefully you can come up with some things that will help your family!

*ohhh, I ONLY make homemade mac and cheese and my kids LOVE it! I'll try and find my recipe!
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