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Old 05-16-2013, 03:16 AM
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Nixenkind Nixenkind is offline
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Posts: 212
Default Stupid question- but my daughter has FORCED ME to ask you!!!

You can help settling a domestic dispute here...
Our supermarket gives away these little thingies, one for every 15 Euro you spend:

Our kids collect them like crazy... and all the other kids in our area, too.
Our problem: we can't decide how to pronounce the name. They are called "Stikeez", and we don't know what to do with the "i". EVERYBODY around us pronounces the "i" like the one in "city", and I'm the only one who stubbornly pronounces the "i" like the one in "kite", because for me, that sounds like the correct way to do it.
Today, my daughter said: "Okay, go and ask the native speakers in the Sweet Shoppe forum, and if you don't do it, I'm gonna make chicken noises whenever I see you for the REST OF THE DAY!!!"
So you see... I have no choice.
How would you pronounce the "i" in the word STIKEEZ?
Thank you so much for answering this mind-blowingly important question !!

Last edited by Nixenkind; 05-16-2013 at 03:18 AM.
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