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Old 07-17-2013, 01:21 PM
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Libby Pritchett Libby Pritchett is offline
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Default Help me plan this surprise!!

Ok girls, I need some help! Here's the story (it's a little long... sorry):

Some of you may remember that at Christmas, we gave my oldest daughter tickets to the Taylor Swift concert. I came to you guys for help on how to present them to her. We ended up completely surprising her and catching her reaction on video. We put it up on YouTube here.

Well, we're now 3 weeks away from the show, and I've got some BIG news. I've known for a couple of months, but I've been keeping it quiet. That crazy video has managed to get almost 16,000 views! Guess who some of the views are from? Yep! Taylor Swift's people! We've been talking to them (both via email and on the phone... it's completely legit). They loved the video and want to upgrade our tickets to pit passes as well as a backstage meet & greet with Taylor and her mom before the show!!!!!!!!

Let me just stop right here and tell you that Kendra (Gracie) will DIE when she finds out. I don't want to tell her until we get there. She's been OBSESSED with getting ready for this show. it's all she's been talking about. She's got her outfit picked out, made a sign, has plenty of "glow" jewelry... all in hopes of getting noticed for a "Club Red" pass (special after-party that they choose fans to attend after each show). So, when she finds out that she gets a personal meet & greet... she will seriously FLIP OUT.

So, here's where I need your help...

The passes won't be available until 5:30 the day of the concert. I had hoped that they'd be there earlier in the day so that I could go pick them up. But as it is, I'll have to take her with me to get them (it's at the arena at the Will Call window). So, I need to come up with some excuse that I can give her as to why we need to go straight to the Will Call window instead of to the main doors. I just don't want her to figure it out early because I want to video her reaction.

She's savvy, so it's gotta be a good one!

My ONLY thought that I've had is that she has specifically asked if we can get there early to try to get noticed before the concert (again, that's something big in the TS shows... they always scout out the huge fans before and during the show)). So, I could try to use that info somehow to come up with a reason that we need to go to the window...

Anyway, does anyone have any thoughts?
♥ Libby
My Shoppe
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