Thread: perimenopause?
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Old 10-17-2013, 09:40 AM
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Default perimenopause?

ack. what.

So. I'm only 31... but in speaking with my mother (and discussing some family history) it seems like I'm heading into perimenopause early. Google tells me it's not unheard of to hit it in your 30s.. but.......good grief! Has anyone here started going through it really early? Did that mean you were in the wobbly phase for longer than average? I've been experiencing night sweats and some irregularity issues so I think it's probable that my mom is right either that or i'm diseased.. haha. The night sweats have been going on at least 6 months, I had brushed it off to being heat related but BF had commented a few times about me continuously setting the AC in the bedroom to as low as it could go.. and well, it's now almost winter and it's been COLD and i'm still sweating through the bed

In addition to looking for someone to commiserate with.. has anyone used chasteberry/vitex? It's an herb my moms been taking since she was 30 because of family history (she's literally had zero peri or menopause symptoms/issues) and I think I'm going to try it. I did a lot of research and it seems to be one of the only herbs on the planet that doesn't interact with my coumadin hormone stuff is a no no for me anyway (again because of the coumadin), so if this helps I have a feeling it'll be a godsend as my body ages either way.

She also suggested sage tea.. but I'm pretty sure that's in the no no category for my med issues.
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