Thread: perimenopause?
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Old 10-18-2013, 07:46 AM
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Lindsay Lindsay is offline
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My family also has a history of early menopause and my PCP thinks I've started (age 36) since the very first sign was the irregular periods. The hot flashes and sweats were what I really noticed first, followed by the mood swings which were OMG crazy, and then what I call "fuzzy brain" - I was more distracted, scattered, fatigued. We didn't do any blood tests, but she put me on an anti-depressant, which is weird because I was not depressed at all. The anxiety and mania have gone down significantly, sleeping better, and not nearly as emotionally volatile as I was. Still running a bit on the hot side bt with winter coming everyone wants to snuggle next to the mommy heater. I hope you get it figured out soon and get some relief.
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