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Old 11-01-2013, 12:17 AM
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rach3975 rach3975 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Northern Virginia
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My spot! Love the DSD bonus idea, thanks!

Total points: 40
NR points: 2
Hybrid pts:
DSD bonus pts: 16

1 Chose a reason you're thankful (from the list of 80) and scrap about it. 2 pts per LO up to 6 pts. 4 pts x 2 for DSD (LO for Reason 11 posted 11/4, LO for Reason 36 posted 11/5)=8 pts

Reason 11. Cool wives, husbands, mates, children, grandbabies etc

36. Lots of love and laughter.

2 Use at least 4 colors from this "modern autumn palette" 2 pts x2 for DSD (LO posted 11/1)=4 pts

5 Choose a one-word prompt from this list of 365 words. Do up to 3 LOs at 2 pts each. 4 pts + 1 NR pt (KCB and Zoe's Life Stories: Thanksgiving, released and posted 11/2) x2 for DSD (LO for Prompt 138 posted 11/2, LO for Prompt 226 posted 11/5)=10 pts

Prompt #138, Family. (Uses NR)

Prompt # 226, Adventure

6 Be inspired by one of Claire Desjardin's paintings.
I was inspired by the colors and circles in Cut In Line. 2 pts x2 for DSD (uploaded 11/5)=4 pts

8 Scrap a LO where the eye contact in the photo says more than a long paragraph of journaling could. 2 pts + 1 NR pt (Nicole and Flergs My Sweet Girl, released and posted 11/2) x2 for DSD (LO posted 11/2)=6

16 Create a layout that lists the things you love (or hate?!) about a particular season. 2 pts

26 Brave Girls Club is one of the most inspirational websites that there is. They have gorgeous eye candy and messages that make you feel all good inside. Go there, be inspired and create a layout based on the inspiration you find.
Message I'm using for inspiration: Happiness-create some today. 2 pts

28 Autumn tablescapes are so beautiful. Use the tablescape featured and create a page with whatever inspires you about the photo. (My color scheme was inspired by the orange and tan against the white table and my use of black stitching by the dark, contrasting twigs.) 2 pts

30 These hand-stitched business cards make me happy and remind me that the little details sometimes make a BIG difference. Scrap a page that includes some stitching and pay careful attention to the little details that make your page special! 2 pts


Last edited by rach3975; 11-16-2013 at 11:24 PM.
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