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Old 11-21-2013, 01:45 AM
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eve11ne eve11ne is online now
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Adelaide - Australia
Posts: 4,551

Total : 25 pts
base challenge : 20 pts + NR : 5 pts

1. This blog lists 80 reasons the blogger is thankful. Chose any one reason that you are thankful and to create a layout that highlights what you are thankful for. You can make up to 3 layouts for 2 pts each. - 2 pts/layout up to 6 pts.

pedicure - 2pts

birthday - 2pts

5. Choose one of these one word art journal prompts to use as the inspiration to create a layout. Feel free to do up to 3 different layouts if you're feeling inspired! - 2 pts per layout up to 6 pts

you - 2 pts + NR 1 pt

dare - 2pts

8. Scrap a layout where the eye contact in a photo says more than what a long paragraph of journaling could. - 2pts.

12 - “Make it simple, but significant” - keeping this statement in mind, create a clean and simple page. - 2 pts + 1pt NR

21 - The look of elements cascading down your page adds such a touch of fun and movement to a page. Create your own cascade by building up your page in one area and having your elements scatter down from it. 2 pts.

25 - What makes you (or someone you love) easy to understand? Create a list page that sums up you (or someone else) in just 5 - 10 things that you like. 2 pts + 1pt NR

28 - Autumn tablescapes are so beautiful. Use the tablescape featured and create a page with whatever inspires you about the photo. - 2 pts + 1pt NR

32 - By The Numbers: This year we're focusing on creating a collection of layouts that tell our story in numbers. This month we want you to focus on measurements! How tall is the tallest person in your family? The shortest? How many centimeters or inches long was your baby when it was born? How many yards has your little sports star run in a single play? Scrap it and really put the focus of your layout on a memorable measurement in your life! - 2 pts + 1pt NR

Last edited by eve11ne; 11-30-2013 at 05:05 AM.
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