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Old 03-10-2009, 11:05 AM
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I have had two sons that struggled with potty training and both were over 4 before the "got it." Let's just say that the frustration level in this house was intense!!! Mostly because our first was a breeze!!!

So basically we nixed the whole pull-up thing. It was a crutch and I got tired of spending the money. DS#2(child #3) was the hardest with going poo. Finally what worked was cold showers!! He had to NOT like getting cleaned up by mommy. When I lay him on the floor and use nice soft wipies and take the time to do it, he didn't have a problem. But if I put him in a cold shoer to get him clean it mad him mad. It too about 3 cold showers before he figured it out. I always kept my self calm (at least I tried), stood him in the shower and sprayer cold water on him bum then made him take the wash cloth and clean him self. He really didn't like that. So that is an idea.

Above all consistency is the key. Potty training a stubborn child is VERY difficult and DH and I struggled to keep calm 90% of the time!!!! Mostly because we were dealing with two boys that struggled. It felt like we were potty training FOREVER!! It was on going for about 3yrs!! Now we are ok but we still have a wet night here or there but over all things are ok now. Hang in there!
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