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Old 08-21-2009, 11:07 PM
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MamaBee MamaBee is offline
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My hubby LOVES his iTouch... and since he is an anti-apple person, that is saying a lot. The reason for going the iTouch was that he couldn't justify the cost of the iPhone plan... and if he had one, he would have have to get me one too. LOL! He is really loving all the choices in apps. His brother has the iPhone and every time he calls (he lives in Seattle, us in Wisconsin) his voice is really muffled and his calls get dropped... don't know if that is common, but it has been with Jimbo's phone and he has had every upgraded iphone since they first come out.

I don't know about cheaper places... unless looking on ebay or Craig's list for an earlier model... my hubby was able to get his through the safety incentive program at work.
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