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Old 11-01-2009, 06:49 PM
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Shawna Clingerman Shawna Clingerman is offline
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Default A random Hybrid Challenge....

So the other day I cleaned off my desk, it was sort of a big deal since it has been COVERED in things since this summer and all the hospital shenanigans and well... just trying to get caught up with life...

but anyways, now that my desk is clear, and I keep seeing totally incredible and adorable hybrid projects out there in the gallery (plus having my adorable ct-ers making some totally to die for hybrid projects!) I was just thinking, I NEED to get back to paper crafting, and really there is NO excuse for why I'm not making hybrid stuff! Sooooo I was thinking it would be good to make myself some sort of a hybrid goal for the upcoming months. With christmas coming and a zillion things i WANT to be able to make.... I should just buck up and get started!

SO THEN, i was thinking maybe I could challenge other people to join me, in trying to do 1 hybrid project a week from now till december (or even in december depending on how it all goes)

SO if anyone wants to join me, lets GO! The first week of november is the perfect time to start, and just think of all the adorable little christmas gifts we'll have to give out come december!

Anyone who is up to the challenge, you should totally play with me! AND I think to sweeten the pot, lets give away goodies! Every week (on Sunday) I'll pick one hybrid artist to give a coupon for one kit of their choice out of my store!

Ok... I'm rambling... but seriously! Even if no one else wants to play along I'm going to do this by myself! :P

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