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Old 01-27-2010, 11:55 PM
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I have to add something...dont take me thinking that it is my sons responsibility to do the homework to mean I am uninvolved in their lives. I am here 24 hours a day. I talk to my kids about everything. I ask if they finished their homework. I do not check their homework because if they say it is done then that is good enough for me. I trust them until I see evidence that they are lying to me. I expect my kids to do their best. If their best only earns them a C and I saw evidence of them doing their best then who am I to punish them and say sorry even though you did your best a C is not good enough for me. My kids get A's and B's with an occasional C. I think because my son was in special ed up until middle school and he is no longer in special ed because he transitioned back to regular ed classes AND he is switching classes AND has to do homework for multiple subjects every night he is overwhelmed. I am working out a system though. Or trying to work out a system anyhow. Im just not sure which route to take right now but we will figure it out. I did find out something really sons school has a system that all his assignments are entered online on this one website and I can check his progress in all his classes. I can also be notified by email when any assignment is missing or if his grade starts to slip so that will defenitely help. Hopefully when I get him used to just sitting down and doing the homework every night as soon as he gets home it will become second nature to him and wont be an issue anymore.

Dreaming of creating for Cindy Schneider, Studio Flergs & Kristin Cronin-Barrow
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