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Old 08-15-2010, 12:59 PM
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Default Mother's worst nightmare (but everything's OK)

The tears have stopped, and I've stopped shaking so now I can talk about it. I watched Michael collapse earlier. He had gone to play at the next door neighbor's house. I went into the shower. While I was in the shower, he and the two boys from next door had come into our backyard and onto the lanai (sliding door was locked but front door to house wasn't). When I got out of the shower, Michael was calling me asking for a drink of water. I dried off and threw some clothes on as quickly as I could, went to the kitchen and got him some ice water. When I opened the door to the lanai and looked at him, he was literally white as a sheet. Not even color in his lips. He asked if he could come in and sit down, then complained that his stomach hurt and he was dizzy. As soon as he stepped inside, he collapsed. I caught him by the arm and carried him into my bedroom. He was awake, so I gave him some ice water. His color returned immediately. I took his temperature, it was normal. I gave him some Powerade to drink, and he's staying inside for the rest of the day. He's playing Wii now and seems to be fine.

I feel like the worst mother imaginable! I should have sent him with a water bottle when he went to the neighbor's house. I could kick myself! Thank God he wasn't out there longer and that I took a very quick shower today. I can't imagine what would have happened if he had collapsed outside while I was in the shower. I'm so angry with myself!

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