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Old 08-18-2010, 09:26 PM
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neenee neenee is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2009
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Wow, I was just reading about this Candida diet. It looks sooo hard! BUT....I am wondering if this won't help my major health issues. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 15 months ago and have terrible fatigue and joint pain. I went cold turkey of all of my meds 3 weeks ago (yes, I know...not the way to do it - but I was so fed up) and am ready to find a way to feel better naturally. I gained 25 lbs in just over a year on all these meds and my pain and fatigue are not much better anyway. So, all it has done is made me depressed because I have gained this weight, my skin is horrible and I walk around like a zombie from taking 5 scrips (most at the max dose).

Anyway, I am rambling but I wanted to ask you a few things (if you don't mind sharing).

Are you exercising along with the diet?

Did you have a really rough start on the diet with the headaches, etc? That part scares me.

Creating for: Krystal Hartley
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